Until next time

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so ive been getting some messages and I have something to say, but this isn't to everyone. Its my book and this is how I wanted it to go, I don't understand why people are reading if they don't like the way some characters are, like leo having a boyfriend, starting in a strip club and how the story does have a lot of the another characters like April and Casey. GUYS THERE HUNDREAD OF RAPH BOOKS, THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I WANT THIS, so please just respect that. Any way please enjoy)

They headed down stairs where everyone exept leo was, master splinter was sitting on the couch with mikey who had his head in his hands, crying. Donnie walked over to a table "donnie, what the hell is wrong with her" raph said in an aggressive voice, donnie didnt answer which pissed raph off "hey, im talking to you, so why don't ya use that brain of yours for-" raph was cut off by donnie turning to him with serious exasperation "do you think i'm NOT using it. GET THIS THOUGH YOUR HEAD RAPH, YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE OF CARES OF (Y/N)!" raph was caught off guard with donnie's change in tone, he staid quite but donnie spoke up "now, i'm not sure what it is but there's something in (y/n)'s blood system. Take a look" Donnie point to the microscope that was sitting on the table, raph walked over and looked into it. He's heart raced at what he saw, there were small circler robots in her blood, there were millions of them.

Raph looked to donnie "i think those are the reason that her temperature keeps going up and... maybe why she got shocked. I'm trying to figure out what set it off" raph thought about it and then remembered what they were talking about "she knew them" raph whispered, donnie turned to raph "what?, well who is it?" donnie ask with a little more light on his voice. Raph shook his head "when she tried to tell me, she got shocked... what if they prevent her from doing or saying certain things" raph looked to everyone and everyone was shocked "hey I aint stupid, I do have moments were I can figure out things" donnie cleared his throat, he went to his desk and started to type up something.


Everyone was down stairs, leo had just came back with Evan, he didn't tell Evan any details but he told him that (y/n) was sick. Evan sat with mikey who played on the ds with him, just to distract him, raph watched them and tried to think positive, but every now and then he would think of the most terrible thing and it just made him feel worse, master splinter was making tea but he kept looking up the stairs, he was worried that (y/n) was in pain, but also because he had a feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

Leo was up stairs with Donnie, he was there in case (y/n) got a shocked again. Raph wasn't allowed in there just yet, Donnie thinks that he'll get himself to upset, he might also cause (y/n) to have another shock attack, which he was also trying to avoid.

Donnie wanted to test out the blood to see if he could destroy the nano bots... or what ever they were, without hurting (y/n), so far nothing. She woke up a few times but she always fell back asleep or had to be injected with something because she would panic from the sudden heat rise. Donnie got enough blood to do some test but he knew when he went down stairs that he would be flooded with lots of question. Donnie started to walk to the door but he then realised that leo wasn't following "leo?" he questioned but leo didn't answer, he just looked at (y/n) with a sad look.

Donnie went to leo's side "she's going to be okay leo... but we should leave her to rest, she's been through alot" leo still didn't speak but he turned to donnie and walked away. Leo left the room leaving donnie and (y/n), he turned to (y/n) and picked up her hand and holding it "i promise you, you'll get through this" he then placed it down her hand genitally and walked to the door "we need you, you've help us and even changed us into better people, please don't give up" he looked at her still form, he closed the door leaving the room in darkness.

The room was silent, you could hear a pin drop if you tried, suddenly a breeze came across the room which lifted the curtain slightly, the room became cold. A dark figure lifted the window slowly and climbed in, the figure was lewis, he'd come to see what the erza bots had done to (y/n). He came toward her and smirked "wow... you've became so weak... don't worry baby girl, i'll get rid of the distractions" he leaned down "and you'll be mine, once again" he kissed the top of her head, he could feel the heat rising off her body. He then pulled away when he heard voices, he placed a piece of paper in her hand "until next time... (y/n)" he ran to the window and jumped out but left the window open.

(so far I've got a ruff outline of what I want to happen but I'm just having difficultly getting the right words. pray that I don't get writers block. THANK YOU GUYS AND AS ALWAYS GOODNIGHT)








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