stay with me

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(HELO MY MUTANTS, so last chapter was very dramatic..... well so this one but it answers some of your question. so hope you likey)

The bullet hut the ground next to mikey and you, everyone looked to were It came from and leo sighed "ill get him, Casey come with me" and the ran off.

Raph went to you and mikey followed by Donnie and april, you held on to mikey as he smile "wow thanks dudette, that was a close one" he looked to you to see your head was low "hey, you okay?" donnie asked as he looked to you. Raph then turned you to see tears in your eyes "R-Raph..." you fell into him arms and that's when they saw the bullet hole in your side, it went all the way through.

Raph held you "oh god (y/n), no no no please, don't do this to me!" he begged as he cupped your face "Raph i- it hurts" you placed your hand on the wound "i know, I know baby. Just please keep yer eyes open okay?" Donnie was in shock but april soon knocked him out of it "we-we n-need to get to a hospital" Donnie stuttered but as soon as raph tried to move you scream out in pain "oh god, baby i'm so sorry but I need to" he pleaded.

You nodded as he stood up again "keep pressure on it" donnie said as he handed over a folded cloth, you held it but soon you started to loose feeling "i don't feel to good" you said as he ran to the van "VERN, START THE VAN" raph shouted at the guy.

You weren't sure what was happening as you kept blacking out, on second you were running, then you were in the van and then getting took in the hospital, but the last thing you saw before darkness was raph placing you down and saying "hey, be strong. Please don't leave me" and then nothing.

Suddenly there was a bright light "what?.... where... where am I?" you asked as the a lank came into view, you remembered it for a child, you saw a woman in a white dress that had a water lily in her hands "(s/n)?" you called out. The woman stood up and turned "hello, (y/n)... its good to see you again" it was your sister, you ran to her and hugged her "oh god, ive missed you, I missed you so much" you heard her laugh "ive missed you too sis. Tell me, why are you here?" your sister asked, you pulled away and looked around "where exactly is here?" you felt your sister grip your arms "oh god, do you know?" she seemed worried but you were confused "(y/n).... the only way you could be here, is if your dead" when you took in those word, your knees seemed to give out.

You looked to your hands "no, it cant be. I cant die" you then felt your sisters hand on your shoulder "well, your heart still beats, looks like your dieing" your sister smiled but you weren't sure why "what... is that good?" she laughed as she nodded "yes, it just means that you have a choice. Stay here or go back, to be honest if you choose to stay, im gonna kick your ass" she smiled as she helped you to stand "im sorry, but I need to go back. I need to be there for evan and..." you were silenced when your sister held up her finger "i know, ive been watching. You have a pretty interesting family down there" you laughed before feeling a waved of sparks "what the-" you looked to your sister who smired "its time and I better not see you around here, not for a very long time" yous hugged before she finally saaid "goodbye" before pushing you into the lank.








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now