To The Freaks

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(Hello my mutants, so I'm half way through my first week and college and so far I LOVE IT but there is a lot in it. so I'm struggling to type up when I get home from it but I do have two half days and two full days, then I'm off on the Monday. I will try my best to type up because this book is slowly reaching 20K like.... OMFG that's awesome, my family is so proud and I'm glad that you guys like this so much. now enough talking, gets get to the story)


The voice was just master putting evan to bed in his room, he soon left and nothing could be heard. An hour later was when Donnie came back in to do a check up but saw the window, he looked around the room whilst getting out his weapon. He scanned the room but he couldn't see anyone, he looked over to (y/n) to see she hadn't been moved but he saw her hands when from her sides to on her chest. He walked over still on high alert to the intruder, Donnie checked her pulse, she was stable but something catch his eye, a piece of paper hiding in her hands. Donnie picked up her hand and took out the paper, he was a little hesitant to open it but just did it any way.

He saw it said 'To the freaks' on the front of it 'rude' Donnie thought to himself, he opened it up and red it, the room fell silent for a for minute until Donnie's eyes shot open from shock. He finished the rest of it before looking up to (y/n). he was sure how to feel or what to do, quickly he got out of his shocked state and ran down stairs to the others. Little did he realise that in that hour of lewis giving her the paper, her meds burned out and she woke up, she had seen the note and was pissed, she could have thrown it away but (y/n) knew it was right to let them know.

She led there with her eyes still closed, she wanted to get up. She wanted to go see Evan, explain to everyone... to Raph. The though of him looking at her different brought tears to her eyes, (y/n) finally opened her eyes but stayed still, she though of all she has done and everyone she'd met, every single thing and she didn't want to lose it. Even if she hated that job, its where she met all her friend, her family... its how she met Raph. Moving to New York was the best thing (y/n) has ever done and she's even gave Evan a way better life that he would have had in Scotland. (y/n) sat up and held her head in her hands, the letter left more question about (y/n) and she knew they were going to be shocked, she threw the covers off and stepped out the bed, into the bathroom.

(y/n) looked in the mirror to see her shaky body, she sighed at the sigh of her 'look at yourself... look at what he's done' your body was still warm but it wasn't as bad, she placed her hands on the counter and lowered her head "come on (y/n), be strong" she stayed like this for a few minutes but then stood up straight. She flicked her hair back and took a deep breath "i need to tell them..." she turned to the door and walked out to the bedroom to see master splinter sitting on the bed, it was a shock at first but she stayed calm "(y/n)... my sons are down stairs, they wish to speak with you. First I would like to know... "

(AND CUT, I'm sorry I'm so mean but as I said I don't have a lot of time to write and this is as much as I could get done. The weekend is coming but I do have a concert, I'm going to see biffy clyro and fall out boy WOOOOOO I cant wait but enjoy you weekend too my mutants)








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