The plan

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(hello my mutants, so i've been thinking to do my leo book after this but also a Jason todd/red hood book. I'm not sure how many of you are batman fans, but I fricken love it and I'm a big fan of Jason. He's possibly my favourite robin, haha enough of this, LETS GET READING)


we've been trying to come up with a plan to take down this lewis guy, see we dont know what to expect. I mean he basically hurt (y/n) even though he claims to love her. Leo was standing in front of me "we need to be in an area where we can see her but be hidden" I nodded before giving my idea "what about the docks..." I then heard donnie move "it would be a good place, but we still need an idea how to destroy those bots in her" I grunted in frustration but then mikey spoke up "why dont you just make more of that stuff for her" he was laying back as he spoke, donnie sighed "mikey, its like any other meds, if you take it to much, it could damage the body.... so its not the best idea to keep giving her it" mikey awwed before looking away "so... we need to find out how hes activating them?" leo asked as he looked to donnie "that would help, plus it would take away the power he has over us" I nodded before speaking "i swear, once we get those things out of her.... im gonna break lewis's god damn neck" I clenched my fists as I spoke "we all want to get revenge, but he need to keep a clear mind." leo said as he walked to the window to look out it.

I sighed before standing up "look we need to come up with a full prof plan... or (y/n)s gonna go with that punk..." I was getting more angey with the thought. Donnie then butted in " how about we let her meet up with him I mean-" I cut him off "NO WAY, OUT OF THE QUESTION, DONNIE" I glarded at him but donnie just rolled his eyes "if you had let me finished... I was going to say, theres only one of him and what four of us" donnie said as he stood up off the table.

I was about to snap at him but someone came in "make that six" april said as casey stood beside her. I looked to april and shook my head but leo spoke "guys its great that you want to help, but we dont know anything about this guy" leo said as he placed a hand on aprils should "look leo, I save yous and then you saved us... many times... I... we just want to help" april said as she looked to me "thats all I wanted to do... was help" I looked away before whispering "if ya wanna help, then we better fill you in on the plan" april smiled before casey spoke up "alright... so whats the plan" he asked as looked to leo.

Leo looked to everyone "i have one, but (y/n) has to be bait... if that's okay with you and (y/n)" he looked to me, I had to think but I knew I had to trust that this plan will work "okay.... lets hear it" everyone came into a cirulce as we drew out a rough plan "so we'll all take points around the dock yard. (y/n) will be here in the centre" leo explained it out and so far, it seemed like a good plan "so we'll hide in the shadows, which gives lewis two ways out when we go take him down and we'll need to take him down fast" I then looked to leo and then Donnie "so how are we gonna get those things out of her" that when leo nodded "she can trick him... basically trick him by tell him that she's gave up her life for him... and so he need to do one thing for her, deactivate the bots..." I was feeling more comfortable with the plan but its wasn't me they had to convince, lets just hope this goes down well.

(sooo will it work, well I still haven't decided on the ending but i've made so many friend through this book that I feel like been nice, but that could change. hope you liked this and as always my awesome mutants..... GOODNIGHT)








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