No need for label's

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You waked out to the living room but no leo in sight, suddenly a slamming of a door could be heard "his room im guessing" you ran to the other side of the living room and down the hall till you came to the door with the space heroes poster, you knocked on it "hey leo, it (y/n), you okay?" you waited for a moment but there wasn't an answer "leo... can I come in?" you wait but still nothing, you took a breath and just open the door.

You stuck your head into the room to see the kinda same set up as raphs room but the bed was more center on the wall and where raphs drum kit is, there was a rocking chair, most of the books that he had were on keeping focus and different fighting moves, he had a table near the door but he's katana's layed on it, there were posters above the table which were like 'keep calm and be a leader' or it was different si-fi posters like Dr Who, Star Trek and of course space heroes, most of the colours in the room were blue and white.

You stepped in and saw leo sitting on his bed with his head in his hands you could hear his saying stuff like 'stupid' and 'what were you thinking' you tilted you're head "leo?" his breathing was lowed but still calm, he lifted up his head "sorry (y/n), I didn't hear you" you could tell he was having mixture of both good and bad feeling "leo, what happened between you and daryl?" leo put his hands together "i don't really know myself, I was sparing with... daryl, then I pinned him down and..." he trailed off he didn't look at you at when he was talking.

you sat down next to him and took one of his hands "its okay leo, you can talk to me y'know" he used his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose "when I pinned daryl down, I just got this... flow of electresity" you smiled but waited for him to go on "but it wasn't the first time, when daryl was feeling my arm mucles or when he just laugh, I got a little bit but that time... it was... overwhelming" you then chuckled. leo looked at you "leo, do you have feeling for daryl?" leo was silent and he had a bit of a blush on his cheeks "i-im not sure, no then that would mean-" you then gripped his hand tighter "you listen to me, it doesnt matter, this doesnt change anything, you are still Leonardo, you are still the leader of the team, you are still the big brother, you are still you.There no need for any lables to it and you desearve to be happy leo, along with anyone one else raph, donnie, mikey, splinter." leo then looked down to the ground  to look at you "they wont, they love you, just because you found out something new about yourself doesnt mean they're gonna treat you any different" leo then nodded and smiled "how did a hot head like raph, score a girl like you?" you then laughed at the comment as it would look pretty odd from someone elses eyes.

 you stood up with him and shrugged "i guess, he just made the right moves, which you better start doin with daryl " leo then raised an eyebrow "what do you mean?" you then walked to the door "if It wasn't obvious with the flirting, walking around with you and 'feeling your muscles',Daryl likes you too" you then opened the door but then you heard leo "thanks (y/n)" , you turned to leo who was smirking "any time leo, you wanna talk, just give me a shout" he nodded and walked towards you "come on let go see hat trouble those guys have gotten into".

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now