Too hot

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(hello my mutants, well I can now say today was emotional. I told my friend that I'm not going back to school and i watch some fairy tail. Then i typed this up, whilst listening to sad break up songs. SOMEONE MAKE ME HAPPY, I FEEL 12 AGAIN.... hope you like this god damn chapter)

you watched as he brought over a needle "w-wait... so you do know" you said with a smile, donnie nodded before sitting back down next to you "h-how long-" he the held your hand "this will sting, okay" you nodded to let him know that it was okay, he stuck the needle in your arm "i just had a feeling... then there was the day I found them sleeping on the couch" you smile at Donnie "im glad that leo has found someone, but I feel a little hurt that he wont tell us" he then took out the needle and cleaned up the area of skin.

He then got up and went to the microscope "he said that he feels like he'll bring dishonour to his family... I tried to concise him that he was wrong" you stopped because you realise that you didn't have the right to be having this conversation. Donnie placed a drop on a bit of glass before slipping it in the microscope, you felt a little warm again but it wasn't that bad "i thought that. leo's always be the one that thinks of others before himself. Sometimes though, he's very wrong, we love him no matter wh-" he stopped, he seemed to have became tense, you could feel the air becoming thin "donnie?" you got up to see if he was okay but you felt a little off yourself, he turned to you and he seemed scared "(y/n), sit down, I ... i-i need to get everyone here" you then realised what he saw 'so he really did put those things in me' you started to then began to heat up again "donnie... I dont feel to good" your body waved side to side.

It all seemed to go fast, one second you were standing and the next you were in Donnie's arms as he carried you to a bedroom "its okay (y/n), I'll get everyone here and we're gonna find out who did this" he placed you on a bed "Donnie, listen-" he then walked over to the windows and shut the blinds "save your energy, it'll be okay" you tried to tell him, but you then felt your temperature shoot up 'no... Donnie please listen, I know who did it' but it was to late, he left the room to call the others. You couldnt move from the heat, you need to let some of the heat out somehow. You rolled to your side to see two door, one being the one you just came through and the other looked like a "bathroom" you tried to get up but you legs gave out, you fell to the ground "ahh, dammit" you cursed. You crawled over to the door, so when you opened it to see that the lights were monition sensed, the room light up to show a huge shower, you shut the door behind you and continued to crawl to shower, when you got in you hit the button 'the one time that I love the fact that New York showers have terribly temperatures, the water came out freezing cold which helped you so much.

You lost track of time, but you were sure you heard multiple voice from down stairs. After a few minutes you soon heard someone come into the room "hey... dudette?" it was mikey, you let out a little sound to let him know you were still here "hey can I come in?" you thought for a second 'do I want him to see me like this' you then realised, you need someone right now "y-yes, mikey" you had you eyes closed but you could heard the door open "oh no.. are you okay dudette" he ran over to you, he seemed really worried. You opened your eyes and turned to him, you forced a smile on your face "i-im fine mikey... w-who else is h-here?" you struggled to speak.

mikey sat next to you and wrapped his arms around you "donnie called everyone, me and leo go here first, master splinter just showed up" you looked up to him "a-and.. raph?" mikey seem to become as sad weak as you "donnie said he's on his way... but he's really mad" you closed your eyes 'please dont be... I aint even hurt' you then felt you temperture shot up again "ahhh, oh god... please make it stop" you leaned forward trying to get the wahter on your back "DONNIE... SOMEONE HELP" you heard mikey shout, you started to pull on your clothes "too... w-warm, eveything is too warm" you then felt mikey's hand on your shoulder "your gonna be okay... you'll be o-okay" he sounded like he was crying, you turned to see everyone was running in "MIKEYS WHATS-" Donnie was shouting but stopped when he saw the scene.

(who want to kill lewis, raise your hands. we're slowly coming to the end but there will be a few more chapters. i was wondering, what tmnt should i do next. the fearless leader leo, the brains of the team Donnie or the party animal mikey?, YOU DECIDED )

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