Meeting and Arranging

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After the dance was done yous collected your money and walked back stage, you made your way to your changing room to hide away your money, the last thing you need is this money disappearing. You were able to hide it away but you heard a knock at the door "for fuck sake" you whispered as you got up and walked to the door. When you opened it you saw it was one of the twins "hey (y/n) nice work today" she giggled, you smiled and made your way out the room locking it behind you again "you too, and your sister" you turned and made your way down the hall, you didn't like talking to the other girls because they have been working here way longer and they just reminded you of what waits for you future.

You made your way to the bar, not only were you a dancer but your were also a waitress, you made your way around the tables taking orders and serving drinks out drinks, this part of the job wasn't so bad, well it really depended on the customers.

You looked around the room to find the most interesting table, your eyes caught one right at the back with... four turtles?, they were laughing but the biggest one which was wearing a red mask was leanind back looking around the room, your eyes met and he quickly looked away, you smirked and started walking towards them passing other tables with men who were wolf whisling and making comments like "hey baby, why don't you come a sit on my lap" and "can I swap my wife for that piece of ass" you weren't pleased with this, you could only think 'ahh pigs, all of them'.

You got to their table and with in seconds had their attension "hey can I get you boys anything" you said in the most girly voice you had, they didn't say anything at first but then the one wearing the blue mask said "yes miss, can I get a water please" you wrote that down, then the purple one "oh i'll take a coke... oh umm diet please" you nodded and wrote that, you noticed the orange one just staring at you , so you bent down so you were eye level "and what would you like sweetie" he gave a big smile, you could tell he was the youngest out of all of them "um can I get like a lemonade please" you got back up and wrote that down and then looked at the last one with the red mask.

He wasn't looking at you "and what about you, suger"  you didn't forget about the eye contact thing so you just wanted to see if you could make him blush, he looked up and gave a slight smirk "I'll have a whiskey, doll" you raised an eyebrow at the name 'yeah like I haven't had that one before' I took note that the red one seemed to be the only one who was drinking an alcohol. 

The blue masked cleard his throat, he looked annoyed like he been deal with the red ones attituded for a bit, you wrote that down and said "okay I'll be back with your drinks in a bit" they all smiled at you but you noticed the red one was checking you out, looking at your legs and traveling up till he realised you were looking at him which he then looked away going red like his mask, you were used to it so you just turned from him and walked away.

When you got to the bar you gave over their ticket, since you were just standing there you started looking around the room and every so often you would look back to the turtles table they were all talking and the orange one kept sneaking a look at you, you caught him and gave a light wave, he blushed a bit but waved back.

You finally got their drinks and started making your way back to their table, on the way you noticed the red one wasn't there anymore and the other were whispering, when you got to their table and gave their drinks out, you could see they wanted to say something "i'm not gonna bite, just ask" they all looked at each other but then the blue one took a breath and then spoke "our friend, umm he's not been himself and well umm we took him here to cheer him up but that's not working so umm we were wonder um" then the orange one interupted "how much is it for a lap dance" all their faces were bright red, it was so obvious that they haven't done this before.

You gave out a small laugh "um depends how long and if its just for him" they all widened their eyes "ohh no it's for just him and  um...maybe an... hour" your eye's widened 'how down was this guy' you thought about it "okay I can probably get it cheap if I ask so lets say £40" they smiled "that will do" said the purple one "okay i'll go talk with my boss and get one of the girls" their smiles dropped when you said that. You knew what was coming next "No, umm ... we were... hoping that you could ... um do it" said the blue one, your eyebrow raised, why you "um miss, if it helps, when you were dancing on the stage he couldn't take his eyes off you and when you took our drinks, he watched you walk back to the bar" said the young orange one. You gave a slight blush 'he couldn't take his eyes off... ME' Wait.. most guys do that, this isn't different.   

You thought about it, that was thirty pounds plus your stage and tip money, you need the money, you gave out a sigh "fine, just take him down to that door and I'll do the rest" you pointed down to a door that was on the left side of the stage and was black with sliver strips going horizontal.

They handed the money over to you and with that you made your way back to the bar and then to your changing room to put the money away.

(so this is how you met the turtles and now your about to give big bad raph his own private dance, ill try to update more today since I'm off for the next three days, so any way enjoy)






love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now