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When she finished her dance I gave a little applause, even though this girl was perfect from head to toe there was one question that was going though my mind and I just had to know "hey I've been wondering is scarlet your real name" she started to laugh at the question so I was guessing she either gets this question a lot or it was a stupid question, she looked at me and started to walk off the stage toward me, she sat on the bed "no that's my really stupid stage name, my real name is (y/f/n)" I  couldn't help but smile when she told me her real name 'okay I must look like a creep um say something' I panicked and said the first thing I thought "that's a really nice name " I regretted saying that and looked down to my hands  'well done raph you actually get a girl to look at you and you go and mess it up with a cheesy ass line like that, no wonder your alone' I looked back up to see how much I messed this up and what I saw nearly took my breath away, she was blushing, I could believe it I was flirty with a girl and she wasn't disgusted by me.

I was looking into her eye and they were the most beautiful thing I've even seen and she was looking back giving a shy smile, before I knew what I was doing I was getting closer to (y/n) and then I made the move and BOOM I was kissing her, I wasn't sure what was gonna happen but I felt her wrapping her arms around my neck, I had this feeing in my chest but I ignored it, the position we were sitting in was really awkward so I decided to carefully grab her waist and place her on my lap, now most guy would do that so it was easier the bang her but I didn't want that I just wanted her to be comfortable, I would never force someone to have sex with me even if they were paid besides she seemed nervous like me.

 The kiss wasn't like anything that I imagined, it was even better but I sensed that (y/n) might have been getting bored so I decided to do the thing I saw in the movies, people would use tongue, so I tried it and she opened her mouth and used hers, this was my first kiss and I was also taking it in the fact I was the first out of all my brother to get a kiss like this, the kiss was getting more hot and I was really getting into it.

I don't even know what made me do this but I started feel her body and run my hands up and down her back and pulling her closer, she gave out a little moan which was really cute, it was coming to a point were you needed air and so did she so use broke apart I don't know why im acting like this its like she makes me crazy her touch her smell even just the way she smiles just makes me happy but then im reminded 'do i really thinks she into me pfft please you're a freak she could have any guy, why the hell would she want me', I ignored the comment. if I have to let her go then I will but if theres 1% chance I can get her then im going for it, I began laying kisses all around her neck, it was a bad risk but her breathing became louder and I was a clear sign that she was enjoying it.

 Our body began to really warm up i was trying so hard to empress her but i then felt her hands placed on either side of my face. I looked up to see her frowning, 'oh no, I fuck up I took it to far' I felt my heart stop but I was able to say "what's wrong" I was basically drowning right now in worry, we just stared into each other eyes but she still hadn't answered which made me panic, she opened her mouth to say something I felt that same feeling in my chest but much stronger but the moment was ruined by a knock at the door which was by no other that leo. how did i know because he started shouting in to us "hey, you's two still alive in there" you can count on leo to ruin everything for you and not even that you could here mikey giggling.

i wasn't in the best mood now "yeah, we're just leaving leo" I looked back to (y/n) to see her smiling at me and thought 'wow she is one heck of a woman' but i were brought out of thought when she placed a kiss on my forehead and got up off my lap heading towards the door, before I could even get out a word she was already out the room.

 I stumbled trying to catch her before she disappeared, when I got out the room I was met by my three brother who all stared laughing at me, there happened to be a mirror outside the room and I was humiliated at what I saw, all around my mouth was smudged lipstick and a one kiss on my head, I turned back to my brothers who were still laughing "shut up" I shouted. I then hear a girls laugh and when I looked past them I saw (y/n) who now was walking down a hall way and before I could even say her name she was gone, I was shocked, the best hour of my life was up and the girl of my dreams was gone and probebly forgot about me.

 I walked to the mens room to wash this off and no surprise my brother followed egger to ask me 20 questions, mikey was the first to go "soooo how did it go" then don "was is the best hour of your life" then leo "tells us was she gental" my eyes wided and a rush of anger went though me, i turn to them "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING OKAY, WE TALKED THAT'S IT" they all back off a bit but then mikey spoke "wait a miunte so your saying you were in a room alone with a smoking hot... well second hot compared to my april, anyway and you didn't do ANYTHING" i signed rubbing the back of his head, don gave a smirk "I believe raph is leaving out one detail of the experience" they all looked at me begging for details. i was holding a growler but I broke and he gave a smirk, the three all jumped up "ohhh he is, they did something" they then stopped and looked back at me giving the so-tell-us look, i didn't really want to but i did want to rub in they're face how i was the only who has made out with a girl, there was a pause then "umm well, after we talked she gave me a private dance and then umm... we made out" my brothers did the same thing again "ohh no wayyy broo" as they did that I wiped off the lipstick and then walked out headed to the bar.

 There wasn't anyone at the bar except the bar tender, I walked up clearing my throat. he looked up and he seemed like he was pissed at me as he gave a light growl 'what's this guys problem' he looked away and then back saying "what do you want pal" raph didn't like this guy but he seem like he'd been here long "umm, yeah I was wondering where (y/n) is" the bar tender gave a smirk and a slight laugh "yous were in there for an hour and you's are already on a first name bases" this guy was getting on my neaves "whats it got to do with ya huh pal" he shook his head as if he was better than me "considering im her closes friends then it has everything, plus (y/n) doesn't need a guy like you coming in and fuckin up everything again" as soon as he said that his eye widened.

 He walked away and went to the back of the bar 'what did he mean guys like me, what did he mean fucking up everything again' I was interrupted but don gabbing my shoulder "hey raph we're heading back to the lair, you coming" I didn't know what to do but I didn't really have the right to know that about her I mean we've only known each other for an hour but I want to help her, i'll keep an eye on her but I had to go home first to gear up for patrol "yeah umm lets go".

we went to the table to grabbed our stuff and I looked back to the bar to see (y/n) standing there with a drink she looked over to me and gave a little wave, I smiled and waved back but I also went into my pocket and brought out a piece of paper and got a pen to write my number. when I was done I  placed it on the table we were at and mouthed 'call me' and walked down to the exit with my brother, when I looked at the table I saw (y/n) holding the piece of paper waving it at me mouthing 'I will', I felt my heart racing and I knew thats the girl for me and even if I have to fight till the end I will gain her trust.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now