Fighting?, more like dancing

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(sorry my mutants, ive been studying of my drama exam which is a week today following art two days after, so please enjoy because I'm not sure when i'll update next)

When you entered the dojo you saw evan standing with leo and mikey, donnie was standing at the side with daryl "guys please b-be careful" donnie said, daryl just chuckled, you and raph made your way over to donnie "don relax, they aint gonna hurt him" raph said as he looked over to evan. You sat down and watched as leo teaches evan moves, evan tryied them out on mikey who pretended to go down "awesome dude, you're a real pro at this" evan smiled and carried on after a while raph got up "okay since he's aces the started class, lets go to the real stuff" raph gave leo a little push "okay, fearless" leo just rolled his eyes "only if evan wants to?" evan then looked over to you "only if I can have someone on my side" you nodded "okay sweetie" you got up and swapped places with mikey, it was evan, you vs raph and leo.

You decided to go for leo since you wanted raph and evan to get closer, you ran at leo and started throwing punches but he blocked them which his arms, then he went to throw a punch but you caught his fist which was right in front of you, you saw leos eyes widened, you got down and slide under him, leo quickly turned and you swiped your leg under him making him fall but leo did a backwards roll and got back up, you then looked over to evan and raph, evan was punching raphs hands and raph was slowly walking backwards saying "thats it buddy, come on" you smiled but then you found yourself on the ground with leo holding you down "where did you learn how to fight?" you then just looked at him "umm... technically I was using my dancing there" he didnt look conviced but before he could say anything you heard two people clearing there throats. You and leo looked up to see raph who had his arms crossed with evan and darly, darly raised an eyebrow to you "what are you doing?" he asked, you gave a nerves laugh and sat up "well, I think leo won that, whos next" you looked up to raph "well me and evan didnt actully get to find out who won, so we'll go again and you can swap with someone okay" you nodd but you then looked towards daryl "hey daryl why dont you go against leo" he looked at you with wide eyes, you turned to leo "is that okay?" leo looked at daryl and smiled "y-yeah, thats fine" he then turned and got in possition.

You pasted daryl "have fun getting up close and personal" daryl then laughted "i wont be conplaining" you sat down beside mikey and donnie "so... (y/n) where did you learn those moves?" mikey asked as he turned to face you, you leaned to see donnie watching the other but every so often he would look at the corner of his eye towards you, you snapped out of it and looked at mikey "i was just using dance skills that I learned" mikey nodded and he just asked silly questions about evan, but then he asked a question you didn't want to hear "so wheres his parents" you sat up and looked down "umm.. well-they are... umm-" you heard donnie speak "mikey, nows not the time for those questions" you looked up to donnie who still had the guilty look on his face for earlier on, mikey looked at you with a sad face "im sorry dudette" you smiled and shock your head "its fine mikey you were only asking"

you then heard a thud, you turned to see leo had pinned down daryl, they're faces were close, almost touching, your eyes widened and the end of your lips curled into a smile 'wow' you then then looked to see mikey was tryng to annoy donnie but donnie had his eyes glued on evan to make sure he didnt get hurt 'im the only one seeing this' you looked back to leo and daryl but you only saw daryl laying on the floor, he looked like he was just humiliated, you looked to the door to see leo leaving, without thinking you got up and looked at daryl, you mouthed 'wait here' and with out another word you ran out after him.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now