The Protectors Of NYC

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(okay so I still don't have an ending yet but don't worry that not for a while now, but I'm still open on taking inspiration from any idea you guys have, hope you enjoy)

Even though you and raph wanted to see each other again, something got in the way life, your boss said he wanted you on stage more and was willing to pay you double of what you were usually paid, so instead of spending most of the night serving drinks, you'd be dancing and before you knew it 2 weeks had went by.

Evan has been having nightmares and he said that he saw you being taken away, tonight you didn't know what to do, he was panicking and crying it was getting on of hand, the nightmares seemed to just be getting worst, you always told him you weren't going anywhere but this didn't change anything , so you thought about stories you could tell but one came to mind, you told him about raph and his brothers and how they were the protectors of New York and if they or anyone were in trouble they would help. He then asked if he could meet raph and his brothers, you thought about it but you weren't sure because one you didn't really trust them and two you didn't know if they would be comfortable with evan, you looked at evan and smiled "do you want me to phone them" evan nodded his head, he look so exited which was strange because evan has never believed in fairly tales like Santa, tooth fairy or anything, he doesn't even like superheroes and he told me that he didn't like or believe is because he thinks that if he gets to attached then the thing he loves will leave, you knew that's why use couldn't connect and you felt that you were ruining his childhood in a way.

You walked out to the hall way to find the piece of paper with raphs phone number, on the way you past a clock that read 2:47 am, you went to your bag and pulled out the paper, you pick up your phone putting in the number but before you dialled it you thought 'he might be mad, what if he's asleep, oh who are you kidding of course he's asleep' you took a breath before dialling it, at first it was just ringing out but as soon as you were about the hang up you then heard someone answer but I wasn't raph "hello raphs phone" you weren't sure what to say like 'hello yes sorry for calling late but I wanted to talk to raph oh and by the way im the stripper that gave your brother a freckin lap dance' you thought to yourself, you were sure that the voice was that purple turtle, donnie? maybe "um hi its (y/n) is raph anywhere around" the was a pause before the voice said "wait.. (y/n).. as in scarlet" you made a growling face as you said "yes... now is raph around" you said in an pissed way.

The voice went nervous and started moving around and bumping into things"um sorry scarl I mean (y/n) um yes yes... hes in his room hold on....ah mikey pick up your stuff... (knock on door) um raph your phone ahhh" the phone was handed over and then you heard raph "hello" raph said in a quick tone, you were happy till you heard him yawn 'shit he was sleeping' you gave out small laugh "um hi its (y/n), you know from the club" you heard a door close then him giving out sign 'he must have went and layed on his bed' he then said "its only been two weeks (y/n), don't worry I ain't forgot about you, what's up" you were so regretting this phone call, it sounds so dumb but you gave it a shot "um my nephew, evan, he had a nightmare and well I told him about you and your brothers and how you're the protector of new York and umm.. Well.. he wants to speak to you" the was a silence at the other end till he just said "umm... i" you interrupted him "you know its okay it's a stupid thing anyway if you don't want to do it, its f" now he cut you off "wow wow now I never said I didn't want to do it, ill talk to him" you smiled when he agreed 'wow he is one hell of a guy', you walked back to evan's room


You pushed open the door to see evan at his window with a drawing pad and pencils "sweety what are you doing" he looked across the room at you "i realized how nice it is at this time so I want to try and draw it" he held up a drawing of building and a sky full of stars, you loved his way of drawing, he always gave so much detail. You then walked towards his "well because its so late I couldn't get all the turtles" he bowed his head in disappointment "but lucky you have an awesome aunty that can pull some string and has Raphael on the phone" his head flipped back up with his hands trying to get the phone, you gave out a laugh "okay evan here's Raphael" you handed evan the phone, you walked to the door but turned to see if he was okay and you saw him smiling, he was asking raph all of these questions and telling him random kid stuff, you smiled and decided to go make hot coco for you two.

You walked into the kitchen flipping the light on, you went to the cupboards and got the hot coco mix, as I grabbed that and pulled it down, a letter fell down with it, you looked at it, it was a letter that had your name on it, your stared at it for a while before taking it and putting it back in the cupboard, you made two cups of hot coco and placed a lode of marshmallows in evans cup, you turned to the window to see it had started to rain, you smirked and grabbed the cups and headed back to evans room.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now