My hero

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You were outside the club, it was freezing cold, you knew you should have grabbed a jacket but you didn't live to far away, so you just went with it, you started walking down the road. On the way you past some people and even a couples they all looked the same and you even thought to your self how long each relationship would last. you smirked until you saw one couple that was totally odd, the guy was human maybe in he's late 20's but the girl was a mutant, she was a mixture of a deer and a human, she had the nose of a deer with a little tint of brown around her eyes and nose, she also had little white horns and slightly pouty ears.


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she looked beautiful, they looked happy like it didn't matter that they were different, like the world didn't exist to them. they passed by and you started to think of your last relationship, which you lifted your arms wrapping your top half, you never wanted that to happen again.  

you then found yourself at a haul because you felt like someone was watching you, you looked around but no one was around, you started to walk again but then as you past an alley way you saw a dark huge figue leaning against the wall, you stared at the figure and said "hello, are you okay" the figure came out into the light and he didn't look friendly at all, it was like those turtles but bigger and it was wearing a black mask, its shell had big spikes and some looked chipped, he came towards you laughing "well now I am haha" he tried to grab your arm but you quickly dodged him and ran down to road you were trying to find a crowd of people or even somewhere to hide, you were running out of oppositions and before you knew it you ran down another alley way 'why did you do that, you always scream at people in movies for stuff like this' you came to the end of the alley way you looked up to see windows "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP... HELP ME... PLEASE" no one answered, you couldn't hear any running behind you so you though you lost him but when you turned around the turtle was right there.

 He pushed you up against the wall and held both your hands with one of his against the wall, you lifted your leg up trying to kick him away but he grabbed my leg pulling up so you were eye level with him "wow you're a pretty one" he said "pl..please don't.. hurt me" he gave out a little laugh "don't worry i'll be gentle" you heart started to race, you were in panic mode but he then started to look low than your face, his hand on your leg also began to move up and and down your sides, you took this moment to attack him while he was 'distracted', you whipped out your hands and smashed them as hard as you could on the top of his head.

 He let go of you and fell to the ground but when you got up and tried to run you just fell to the ground again, you looked back to see he had a grip on you ankle and he was holding really tight, you gave it all you got a screamed out "SOMEONE HELP MEEE!!!" he dragged you back but then he stopped and all you heard was the big turtle getting beat up "ahh, you again... ahh *thud*" you tried to crawl away but then you had the feeling that something stood above you, it helped you up and said "are you okay" you realised who it was when you heard his Brooklyn accent, it was raph, you hugged him tight and said "yeah, I just um.." he wrapped his arms around you and even lifted you up bridal style and ran out the alley way, he looked at you asking "where you heading" you looked around pointing the way, you kind of like the way he healed you it was nice but before you could get comfortable you arrived outside your house, turns out you werent that far away.

 He let you down and said "this is where you live huh" you looked up that the building, it was a bit grubby and was known to take people like you, you looked back to raph "yeah its not much but it does us" your eyes widened, raph looked at you confused "us" you looked down to the ground and started to fiddle with your fingers, raph grabbed your hand which you started blushing about "umm...well my sister died 2 years ago and... s..she had a 7 year old son, his name is evan, I took him in and its been difficult, I've tried to give him everything" you heard nothing but then raph hugged you, he stroked your head and whispered "you're a good woman you know that right and I'm aint gonna runaway cuz you have a kid" you looked up to raph and he was look back 'damn those eyes' you placed you hand on his face and brought him down kissing him.

The kiss went on for a bit before you stopped "I um, sorry" he laughed  but he the stroked the side of your cheek "you should get inside its cold out here" he peeked you on the head and you walked to the main door, before you went in you turned and said "will I see you again" raph brought his hands behind his head as if he was giving it thought "hmm, well I defiantly want to see you again so yeah" he then laughed "you still have my number" he asked, you patted your pocket "yep I have it right here" he gave a nod "goodnight (y/n)" and started walking off , as you watched him go you whispered "goodnight, my hero" and as soon as he was out of sight you gave out a loving sigh 'hes so kind.... but I cant do this again' you walked in to your house and settled down for the night.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now