Bring a friend over

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(Hello my mutants, so here is the next chapter, really hope you like it and I have to ask you guys something. So I was looking at the comments for the daryl chapter and a little idea sparked in my mind, I'm just warning you right now, I'm changing quite also by doing this but I'll type up that next part and get it up, please tell me what you think and even leave a comment down below if you think you know where I'm going with this, okay BYEEEEE)

As soon as your eyes closed it seemed like you were asleep for a seconded, you wee woken up by the sound of your alarm going off, you sat up and looked around but you then looked to see evan at your door "morning sweetheart" you said but he was to tired to answer, he just gave a nodd, you got out your bed "hey go put on some cartoons and ill be in soon okay" he gave a tired nodd and walked off. You got ready into a pair of black leggins and a dark blue off the shoulder top.

I headed into the living room to see Daryl and Evan watch adventure time "hey your up?" daryl turned and gave a half smile "i heard Evan getting up, so I decided to get up too" you titled your head "im gonna make something and then we can walk Evan to school" you went to walk into the kitchen "(Y/N), I don't think he's feeling well" Daryl said whist hugging Evan, who still looked really tired, you walked over and kneeled down

to get a closer look, he was extremely pale "his temperature is really high" Daryl added, you tilted your head "aww buddy, you not well" evan pouted and nodded "well looks like we're all going to raphs place then" daryl looked at you with a confused look "what, since when?" you got up "since last night when I asked" daryl just nodded and went back to the show, you went thought and made breakfast.


I was woken up by mikey's screaming and run about "ahhh, what the hell" I sat up and rubbed the back of my head, I looked at the clock to see it was 9:37 'better get up (y/n) will be here soon' I thought to myself, I got off my bed and got my gear on, after I put my mask on and walked out.

I walked into the living room to see mikey playing some video games and leo sitting on the couch drink tea whilst reading, leo turned his head toward me "hey, what time I did you come home at" he said with a smirk on his face, I crossed my arms "around 3, why do you ask" leo shrugged "just... wondering" he turned around a coutinuted to read, I grunted "oh by the way shes coming over with a friend at 12" I began to walk away into the kitchen and I could hear leo shouting something.

I went to get some breakfast but I could hear leos voice "raph STOP, what do you mean shes bringing a friend?" I turned to face leo "look something happened last night and she does want to leave him long" leo raised and eyebrow "wait... h-him?" I titled my head "yeah leo, you know a guy with another guy" leo then nodded sarcastically "what happened?" I went quite for a second before said something "her friend, daryl... was dating some guy who was cheating on him... but It wasn't the first time hes done it, so (y/n)'s bring him here kay?" leo stood there with wide eyes for a moment "y-yeah i'll go tell sensai" he then walked out fast as lighting 'whats up with him' I shrugged it off and got some cereal.


it was 11:30 so I decided we should get going "okay do we have everything" daryl nodded with evan holding his hand, we locked up the apartment and headed out toward the nearest man hole.

It didnt take long but when we arrived, both daryl and evan hadden confused looks "they live down here" you pointed down the man hole "eww really?" you smirked "what did you expect, they're human size, talk turtles" you then jumped down the hole and landed perfectly "okay, evan sweety your turn, i'll catch you" evans little legs danged over the egde and all you heard was a quite "1...2...3" and then he jumped down. You caught him and placed him beside you "okay daryl, your turn" there was a pause and you heard his say "if I die,i swear to god, im gonna haunt you" before he jumped down, he landed but stumbled a little "see you're still alive" daryl looked staight into you're eyes "haha, you're so funny" you shook your head and turned to walk down the sewers. Now you weren't completely sure where the lair was but when you started to see spray paint and some scraps on the walls, you knew you were close, after a few turns and long walks, you all finally reatched the entrance to raphs home "finally" daryl said as he put his hand though his hair.

You walked in to see no one around "what the-" you were cut off by the sound of a fight coming form the opposite side of the room, you looked at daryl, he looked at you but then shrugged "wanna go have a look" you say to evan who looked really tired "yeah sure" he whispered.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now