Just a small fall out

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I knew something was up with (y/n), she was doing that thing when she smiles to hard, it was how she smiled when we first met, it was her 'im fine but not really' smile but I didnt want to piss her off since evan isnt feeling to hot. Then again, she was acting strange at the lair, even before evan got bad, she even kept trying to get out of staying at the lair, was she nervous or did she really hate the thought of staying at my place for a night. Dammit, I really need to stop with these thoughts, she isnt like the other girls, she likes me but I just couldnt help it, all our lifes we were called 'freaks', so to have someone treat me like a boyfriend is new to me.

We were in the sewers walking back to the lair, she was still holding my arm, which was kinda nice. We didnt talk but then I wanted to ask her something "so how come ya ran off during the thing and came back with leo?" she then looked up at me, she smiled and said "i was worried about leo, so me and him had a little chat" I raised an eyebrow "about what?" she then took away one hand to push back some of her hair "umm... w-we were just getting to know each other" she laughed a little whist say that, I then stopped and turn to her "yer acting strange, whats up with ya?" she then stared to play with the ends of her hair. she wasnt looking at me at all "babe?" she then sighed "look, me and leo talked a little but I can't tell ya what it was about, okay?" she was holding her bag with both hands and she still wasn't making eye contact with me still "what do ya mean, he's MY brother, I think I kinda have the right ta know" her eyes were glued down "raph,i.. it just aint my place to tell ya but-" I cut her off "was he hitting on ya- are you covering up for him, tch ya know I don't understand why you've been so weird" her eyes then shout up with anger, I got the feeling- hell knew I was gonna regret saying that "WHAT THE HELL- WHERE DID THAT COME FROM, NO HE WASN'T- HE JUST WANTED TO TALK, OH AND LAST TIME I CHECKED, I CAN HAVE SECRETS, PLUS WE HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN DATING THAT LONG AND YOU'RE ALREADY GOING CRAZY BOYFRIEND ON ME" she then grabbed her bag from me "just give daryl his bag!" and with that said, she walked quickly away from me "wait babe-" but she was already gone and by the speed she went off at she'd be in the lair before I could catch up with her, i then sighed 'idiot'.

I quickly made my way to the lair, as soon as I stepped into the living room, mikey came my way "what'd ya do to (y/n), she's soooo mad at you" I grunted at him "i didn't do anything" mikey then shook his head "not cool dude" I was fed up of him, I needed to talk to her, I pushed mikey out of my way and headed to the couch where daryl was with evan, they were playing some game on daryls phone which seem to keep evan entertained "hey, heres ya stuff" I placed it next to daryl but then he looked up with a sad smile "thanks man,.. oh um, (y/n)'s in the kitchen if your looking for her" I knew he was basically telling me to go talk to her, I just nodded and headed to the kitchen, I could at least find out why shes been acting weird since shes got here.

I was right outside the kitchen when I heard leo talking, I was about to walk in but I then heard (y/n) start to talk "its just... I don't want to mess this one up but I feel like I have by shouting at him like that but then again, I need to stand my ground" she sounded so sad but why did, she think she messed things up?, I was the one who was being stupid and i'll admit I was pushing my luck, leo then said "you haven't (y/n), raphs a hot head and shows his feelings in odd ways, you mean a lot to him... thanks by the way, for not telling him" I was so confused, what the hell did he tell (y/n) that he meant so much that he didn't tell his brothers. I listened a bit more "of course leo, I would never do that, gosh now that I think about it, I did seem to put it in such a bad way... ahh no wonder he got the wrong idea, I need to find raph and clear the air" that was my que to act like I was just coming in.

I turned the corner and acted shocked when (y/n) walked into me "oh raph, im sorry" I shock my head and took her hand "no im sorry,i-" I then looked up to see leo leaning on the counter looking at us "oh don't mind me" he said as he folded his arms and smirked, I was about to make a comment but then (y/n) squeezed my hand "right, (y/n) I shouldn't have pushed at ya, ummm... I understand that you... were just umm-" (y/n) placed her finger on my lips and smiled "ya ain't good with word raph,.. but I get what ya trying to say, im sorry too, I did put it in an awkward way but I can promise you, leo and me just talked, okay?" I looked into her eye and I knew she wan telling the truth "i believe ya, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions... plus I don't thing lamo over here, could even get a girl like ya" both (y/n) and leo gave out a small laugh before she took my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen.








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now