planning a movie night

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so exams are over and school starts back tomorrow and I'm now a 6th year, so ill be updating a lot since, its just getting used to our timetables and then its SUMMER, which is also a problem beause I'm going back to Cullen, you know the place with no wifi at all, so yes ill try to write and update more often. hope you enjoy)


yous made our way to the couch where daryl was, you sat on the other couch, raph wrapped an arm around you and obviously you curled up to him, you were still thinking of what raph said 'I don't understand why you've been so weird' you just felt horrible. you didn't realise that mikey, donnie and leo had joined the group and you were brought out of thought when raph shifted "well it's up to you guys, what do you think (y/n)?" you looked at raph "hmm?" you then heard darly laugh "sleeping arrangements? or where you in your own little world there (y/n)?" you felt your cheeks heating up and for the look on daryls face, it was noticeable.

You then tried to change the subject "ohh um well, do you guys have any extra rooms for us" raph then shook him head with a smirk "ya really were in your own world babe, we only have one extra room, its the one next to mine" you then remembered seeing it, when you went snooping for raphs room the first time you came here"ohh well, I umm-" you were cut off by daryl "well since there are two single beds in the spare room, you and evan take that while I'll sleep on the couch" you looked at the two couches and well they didnt seem comfy to sleep on since the where made of pizza boxes. you were about to offer another idea but leo then sat up "thats not fair, you're our guest too and it would be rude to make you sleep on the couch, take my room and i'll sleep out here" daryl had that shocked expression with a blush starting up but he then shook his head "oh no, I dont want to be a bother to-" leo then cut him off "you aren't, trust me" daryl was now fully blushing.

You hid your smile but then you looked up to raph, who hadn't really caught on what was happing but he did have disappointed look on his face "hey, whats up?" he snapped out of his daze to then looked down, he gave a little smile "nothing,... hey im gonna get a drink, you want anything" you raised an eyebrow and titled your head "hmm, yeah... but then you'd get in trouble" you whispered to him, he instantly knew what you were talking about, the beer he hidden "sorry babe, not tonight, anything else I can get ya" you pouted like a child but then laughed it off "just soda will do, please" he then unwrapped his arm for around you which you didn't like since you were comfortable but you did make a big fuss over it, you watched as heading to the kitchen and you just couldn't help but check him out ' damn, how can one person be so hot' you silently chuckled to yourself and turned back to everyone else.

You were talking to mikey when he suddenly started laughing "whats so funny?" donnie who hadn't said a word "well theres a word that kinda sum it all up but..." he then pointed to evan who was playing a game on daryls phone. Daryl then covered evans ears which startled him, daryl nodded and quickly donne, mikey and leo all said "raph was cock blocked" you eyes widen "what, raph waned to-!" donnie then burst out laughing "no no no not like that, he want you to sleep-" you were so confused at this point but everyone went quite when raph came back.

He sat down next to you and handed you a bottle of water "so, what we talking about?" you weren't sure what to say but lucky mikey spoke up "we were talking about a movie night" you then took a breather and relaxed "cool, what we thinking of watching" you looked at everyone but you caught mikey with a smirk on his face "mikey, you got any ideas?" you brought mikeys attention to you "yeah, I have a few ideas, how about... horror.." you were worried as he winked at you 'whats he up too'.








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя