Make up your mind

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(Sorry my mutants that I haven't updated in a while but school was stressing me the hell out but I'm back with this update BUT, I am sadly going away for a week to the same place that has no wifi, so please enjoy this because I wont be updating till some point next week. love you guys so much and if your liking this and know anyone who would enjoy this, then share it haha, NIGHTY NIGHT)

mikey got the movie set up but donnie then turned to you "what about evan?" you then thought about it "he doesnt really get scared at horror movie,plus him and kyle watched it once" you said, speaking of the devil, even wonders in in his pjs "what movie we watching?" raph then came up behind him "a scary one" he picked up evan and placed him on the couch, evan gave out a little laugh. You made your way to the couch, you sat next to raph, he throw his arm around you whilst evan layied his head on your lap, you covered him with a blanket. Everyone got their seats, leo and daryl took the other couch with april at the end, mikey sat on the floor infront of april and donnie sat in a rocking chair.

The movie went on and so far everything was okay, as some point raph took your hand with his other hand and started rubbing it with his thumb, you personally werent paying attenstion, you were thinking about the letter 'he'll be coming for you, so run (y/n)' you keep going over that, you thought of ways to keep evan safe, how you could get away, where to go.

Half way through the movie and you were still giving it more thought till you realised something 'wait, am I seriously thinking of running, leaving daryl, jax, the guys, even raph?' you were getting so frustrated that raph snapped you out of thought "hey babe, you okay" you turned and looked up to hhis face, he looked at you like he had heard what you were thinking "n-nothing" you turned to see evan asleep "i- I need to put him to bed" you moved evans head gentally and got up, you went to pick him up but the raph stood up "let me" you had too care of evan since he was 2, you knew how to do it "no its fine" you said as you lifted evan up, you said night to everyone and they said goodnigt too and with that you went to bed.

You placed evan in his bed and tucked him in, you sat on the side of your bed with your head in your hands, you sat there for a bit 'stay or go, stay and risk evans life and yours, go and leave everyone behind' you started to cry a little as the thoughts turned into memories 'WHY!, why did you do this?' your tears became heavier 'well (y/n), I can't have you getting soft on me, especially over this' it al became to much to bare, you got up and headed towards the bathroom.

You couldnt think straight, you sat on the bathroom floor with your knees to your chest "okay, j-just relax (y/n)" you then had a knew idea "what if I tell them?" you gave it more thought 'they might look at me different' you kept thinking of raph, how donnie said he loves you, but its crazy, you cant love someone you hardly know. You werent sure how long you were in ther for but you were brought out of thought when the door opened, there stood mikey with a conserned look "(y/n), whats wrong?" he kneeled down beside you and took one of your hands "its nothing mikey, im just thinking" you tryied to wip the tears away but it was no uses "there is, please dudette, talk to me" you looked up and sighed "i- im just happy, ...that i have you guys" you put on a smile, mikey did the same and hugged you "awww dudette,.... you know, you gave me a fright" you laughted and stood up "come on lets get back" mikey nodded as he pulled you along to the living room, you sat back next to raph and cuddled into him, the movie ended but everyone stayed up talking, you got to know april a little more and she got to know a little about you.

After an hour everyone got tired and started heading off to bed, april headed home but she apparently didnt live far, leo made his bed up on the couch and daryl headed to leos room, donnie and mikey were in their rooms with in seconds. You made your way to the spare room but you were stopped by a strong arm which wrapped around your waist "hey dont I get a goodnight kiss?" raph asked as he turned you towards him "hmmm, I dont know about that" you said in a playful way, raph smiled and leaned in, you lips connected and you still werent use to the feeling, for a huge hotheaded turtle, he has the softs lips, which you couldnt get enough of, finally you parted after what seemed like hours"goodnight raphie" you said as you open the bedroom door "goodnight..., princess".

You closed the door and leaned on it, now usally you werent big on pet names and since princess was part of your stage name, you werent much of a fan but well raph called you it, it made you feel like a teenage girl whos scorded a date with the popular guy. You got out of thought and walked over to the bed, you looked over to evan who had a tear rounding down his cheek 'he had the nightmares again' something then clicked, you had made your mind up, you aren't gonna risk evans life or bring more people into this, you couldn't let others fight your battle but you are going to do something about lewis and end it, finally.








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