Raph brings a girl home

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(Here you guys go, the next one should be up tomorrow but until then, I'm gonna sleep, so GOODNIGHT MY MUTANTS)


After raph ran from roof top to roof top he eventually jumped down to an alleyway. He gently placed you down and headed to the man hole, lifting up the lid which released the sewer smell, "owwaa" you pinched your nose to block the smell, raph looked at you and just smirked "ya get use to it,...down we go"you just looked at the black hole but then looked at raph "um you first" you said taking a step back, he titled his head but then shrugged, he went to the side of it and jumped down. you didn't hear him hitting the bottom "raph?" you want to make sure he wasn't hurt before you came crashing down "its fine (y/n), just jump" he said but it echoed ' it sounds deep' you got closer to the edge and you looked in, you couldnt see him, nothing but darkness, you were overthinking it but then you heard raph "don't ya worry princess, I'll catch ya" you smile and took the jump.

You shut your eyes and tensed up for in pack but you landed on something soft, you open your eyes to be faced with emerald green ones, they were powerful yet comforting, you could look at those eyes all day if you could "you okay?" he asked you smiled and spoke "yeah, thanks for catching me" he nodded and placed you back down, you two walked for a while before you asked "so... how did your family react when you told them you were bring a stripper home" raph stopped and turned to you "they were fine, look my family wont act weird around you okay, they don't judge people, I mean come on have you seen us" you walk up to him "i have and to be honest, you's are kinda cute" raph turned red as his mask, you were flirting with him but then again it was your job to be that way, he didn't say anything he just turned and walked further into the sewers, soon you started to hear music and voices, suddenly raph stops walking and turns to you again "well, we're here" you looked around the corner to see a room full of weird yet wonderful things, like different lights, a couch made of pizza boxes and lots of different carpets covering the full floor.

You and raph walked in till you were In the middle of the room, then the orange turtle named mikey noticed you two "OH OH GUYS RAPHS BROUGHT SCARLET HOMEE" he jumped off the couch and ran at you, he picked you up and hugged you "HI IM MIKEY" you smiled and hugged back just to be nice "yeah I remember you, little cutie but my name is (y/f/n)" he put you down and raised an eyebrow "you have two names, COOOOL" you laughed at the fact that he found having more than one name really cool. You then heard raph coming up behind me "scarlet is her stage name dumb ass" mikey looked at him making a face before shouting "DONNIE, LEO" you weren't sure if he was calling for back up or just to change the subject.

Next donnie the purple on and leo he royal blue one came in, at first they just stared at you but you then heard raph grunt, he must be piss because he said they wouldn't make a big deal about you being a stripper, leo came towards me and said "hey umm, nice to see you again, umm h..how you been" he stuttered his words 'aww poor baby he's so nervous, wait he doesn't even know my name" you smile at him "yeah i've been good leo, how about you" he smiled but then started to look at raph "y..yeah i've been good, so umm-" you cut him off "(y/n)" he looked at you with wide eyes "what?" "my name is (y/n)" he went red and he looked at everyone, they all laughed at him and you heard raph say "way to go lame-o-nardo" you looked at leo, who was angry 'hmm I have any idea' you walked to leo and turned so you were facing raph "hey its not funny, he didnt know my name raph, plus at least when leo first met me, he wasn't checking my ass out" I smirked at raph, who now turn red again and everyone including leo started to laugh at him, I then turned to donnie who I hadn't talk to yet "hello donnie" you haven't forgotten the conversation on the phone you two had "hel...hello um (y/n)" he smiled showing off his gap tooth.

you were about to speak but then someone beat you to it "my sons, what is all this commotion about" it was a older man but when you turned to face him, you were faced with a human sized RAT, he worn a Japanese kimono and walked with a staff in his hand ,he had a long beard and pointy ears, he looked at you and started to walk closer. You started to feel treated and slowly took a step back but you ended you bumping into something and when you looked up you saw raph looking down at you "hey you okay (y/n)" you looked back at the rat man who now was face to face with you "you must be (y/n), I am splinter, I am the boys father and sensei" you relaxed a bit more "hello, umm how did you know-" you were cut off by raph "cuz one of these guys couldn't keep there mouth shut about the night we met ya" you looked at him and then down at the ground "ohh great" you said in a sacastic way.

you felt a hand on your shoulder but it wasn't raph "child, did we say something wrong" you looked up but wrapped your arms around yourself "umm, if you know my name and how we met then you know what i do" you felt so embarrassed meeting raph's dad and him knowing you dance on a stage half naked for men's entertainment, you then looked up to see him looking behind you to raph and then back at you "i do not judge you nor what you do for a living, I can see your a bright, smart and young lady" you felt like the world had been lifted off your shoulders "tha...thank you splinter" he nodded "do you wish to stay for dinner (y/n)" you were about to say yes but then you remembered 'evan' "id love too, but I cant, I have to be back at my home before 4." he nodded "very well, I am going to go and meditated some more" he said whilst turning and walking away.

when he walked into the other room everyone looked at you "what?" they all looked at each other before donnie spoke up "why cant you stay" you looked at raph and he answered "she has a nephew to get back to" they're eyes widened "you have a kid" they said at the same time, you shrugged your shoulders "yeah so.." they looked shock but then shakes it off "umm nothing" leo said , everything seem awkward now but the lovable mikey shouted "(Y/N) WANT GO PLAY GAMES" you smirked "yeah that be great mikey" without a second wasted mikey picked you up and ran to the couch placing you down gently and set up halo. You were in the mode, you had beaten mikey 4 times and he beaten you 1 but that was because you felt bad for him, you's played for what seemed only for 5 minutes but I reality you had been playing for 2 hours, now sit on ones as for 2 hours without getting up or moving it going to cause pins and needles in the feet, you had let mikey win again before standing up "hey where you going" you leaned down facing him "i need to move around plus I'm thirsty" he nodded like a little kid "okay, OHHH if you want theres so orange juicy hiding in the fridge but don't tell raph" he whispered the last part, you nodded and walked into the kitchen.

so how was this chapter, good?, well I hope so and soon we end u getting a little more into the job but I'm not going to share details and please do






love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now