I don't need a man, do I?

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When you got back you saw evan was in the middle of the floor kicking his foot up, you placed the cups down a faced back to him "what are you doing" he turned to look at you with a big smile "(y/n) you didn't tell me that Raphael was a ninja" your eyes widened when you heard the word 'ninja' you walked and kneeled down "well sorry sweety but this is new information to me" you could here raph chuckle down the phone, evan then yawed and rubbed his eyes, you pick him up and placed him back in bed "okay looks like someone in getting tired again" evan shook his head trying to convince you he wasn't sleepy "no please I don't want to go to sleep" you went to say something but you heard raph talking but you couldn't make out what he was saying, evan was nodding his head and saying "uha", then he said "okay then see you tomorrow goodnight" he handed you the phone, you were confused to what evan said about 'tomorrow' "wait am I missing something what's happening tomorrow" you were asking both of them "yeah about that" raph said giving a little laugh, then evan sat up "i was going to ask but I was scared you would say no" you gave out a sigh because you did say no lot "im sorry baby but he cant I have work and" you were cut off by raph "ohh come on (y/n) me and you both know you'd rather not go in plus im sure you could pull a sick day" you smirked and looked over to evan who was making puppy dog eyes, you gave up "ahh you're right I don't want to go in... fine ill take the day off" evans eyes brightened and he jumped off his bed and hugged you, you hugged him back for a second before picking him back up and putting him back in his bed "now you get some sleep little man" evan nodded and curled up in his cover, you heard raph laugh on the phone "you gonna put me to bed to" you smirked and then leaned down to kiss evan on the forehead good night.

You walked out of evans room slowly closing the door but still leaving it slightly open so you could hear him, you looked at the time and it was 3:15 am "thanks again raph for this, now its late and im sure your ex" you were cut off again by raph "wait!" you both went silent "im..im so sorry I just" you started to laugh but not to loud "raph its fine dont apologise" raph also began to laugh and said "its just that... you left the room pretty quick and I never got to say goodbye" you smirked "so you said wait because you wanted to say goodbye" you were a bit confused with that one.

you heard raph moving round and giving a nervous laugh "well... I actually wanted to ask you something" your heart stopped 'wait what, where is this going, oh my please dont ask me out' raph cleared his throat waiting for your approval "yeah sure what do you want to ask" he waited a second before speaking "(y/n) are you or have you been getting trouble off anyone... like a boyfriend" you went completely silent, raph started to say your name asking if you were still there, your heart felt like it stopped, your mouth was dry, you were so caught off guard with that, you started to think 'how does he know, he cant possibly know him... ahhh you've be quite for to long, he'll start asking more questions' you took a deep breath "well yeah i've had bad relationships but who doesn't" you tried acting cheerful but you weren't sure if you convinced him. You started to head down the hall towards you bedroom "okay but the guy at the bar said that you didn't need another guy like me, (y/n) is there a guy hows causing yo" you cut him off, the anger and frustration of the questions just build up and now it got to the small limit "WHAT IS IT TO YOU HUH, I MAY BE A PEICE OF ASS TO YOU MEN BUT I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!" you raised your voice but not loud enough that evan would wake up "(y/n) I never said that and I don't see you like that, I just" you hanged up on him and went into your room.

You sat on your bed and set your alarm for tomorrow for when raph would come over, which you werent looking forward to now, you went on to the alarm and went to put a time in 'wait... did he even say what time he was coming over' you thought, you flopped back on your bed realizing he didn't, you were looking at the ceiling when suddenly the room lit up from the light of the floor, you sat back up to see you had a text, you looked at the number to then realise it was raph, you quickly typed your password and went onto you messages, you read '(y/n) i'm sorry I had no right to go and ask those questions, but I just want to make sure you and evan are okay and if you don't want me to come over its fine' at first you wanted to throw the phone but then you looked at the part when he said he want t make sure we were okay, you stomachic started to feel like it had butterfly's and you smiled. You then thought to yourself 'we should also apologise for snapping at him' you started typing 'raph i'm sorry to, I don't know what came over me, its just that, that part of my life is very dark and I just don't want to remember it, also no please come tomorrow, it would mean the world to evan, oh and before I forget what time are you planing on coming over?' you quickly checked to see if here were any spelling mistakes and once checked you sent it, you lay back down on you bed, holding your phone in your hands, you gave it a minutes and hen the phone lit up again, you quickly 'unlocked your phone to see what he said 'um well I have some training in the morning and I'll have to take a shower after, so maybe 2ish, if that's okay' you signed with relief that you wouldn't have to get up super early, you started to type 'yeah that's fine, hey since it would be lunch time how about I make you something, what's your favourite meal' you sent it and you decided to get under the covers but with in seconds raph had answered with 'PIZZA' you let out a little laugh and typed ' okay ill make us pizza tomorrow but it is late raph so goodnight raph' you placed your phone at your side.

You slide into bed and just as you were about to fall asleep but your phone lit up again, you unlocked your phone to see raph said ' great can't wait to see tomorrow and goodnight sweet dreams (y/n)' you cheeks went bright red and you couldn't help but smile, you placed your phone back down and fell asleep, you ended up having a very romantic dream of you and raph which just pull you deeper into something you didn't want to feel

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now