Please don't go

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(hello my mutant, I hope you are having a fabby weekend, its warm in Scotland which is a change. so heres the next chapter, hope you like it)

You looked into his bright green eyes before speaking "if I don't, he'll hurt you... all of you. I can't just sit here when I know I could do something" you got up but held on to raphs hand. You looked to splinter "i promised you that I would protect your family... I wish there was another way..." splinter stood up and looked to you "(y/n)... since the moment I met you, I knew you were brave, strong and trustworthy... but the choice is your my child" he placed a hand on your shoulder.

It wasnt like you wanted to do this, but you'd rather save 9 than put them in danger "i'll go with him... but I have something to ask" you looked to everyone before landing your eyes on leo "please take care of evan... and don't.... tell him about this..." you began to cry but raph held you to his chest. He didnt say anything, he just had his arms around you. You heard everyone leave the room and by the time you pulled away, it was only you and raph.

You looked up and into he's emerald eyes, you smiled before kissing him but he pulled away "please... don't... don't do this" he whispered to you, he sounded like he was going to break down. You shook your head before taking a step back "hey, it's not like I want to leave you" raph then pulled you back "then don't, please (y/n)... stay with us. We can take him down" he placed his hands on your sides as he began to rub then, he even started to kiss your head before travelling to your cheek and even to you neck.

You started to play with the tails of his mask as he kissed your neck. You knew what game he was playing. Trying to get you to change your mind, but to be honest, it was working "r-raph.... raph stop" you pushed him away, he was making it harder to think.

You turned away from him "ya don't want to do this... look we can trap him, force him to shut down those things in you" you then shook your head "it won't be enough, I could hardly breath when I was near him. What if he hurts one of you guys... I wouldn't be able to live with myself" you hugged yourself, you hated the thought of any of he turtles getting hurt.

Raph came up to you and lifted your chin "Don't tell anyone I said this but.... Leo can make the impossible possible. You shouldn't doubt a ninjas skills" he made you laugh with that statement. You then looked to the floor and back "do you really think you can take him down?" you looked into his eye for he truth "babe, I'm sure we can kick his ass" you could see he was 100% sure.

You smirked before looking down "if you can come up with a full prof plan... then ill agree to it" raph held you close and spoke "i aint losing you to some ass hole... you're my girl... and he will never lay a finger on you again" you smirked before stepping back "well, better get your brothers in here and start coming up with a plan"








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now