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(hello everyone, so here is the next chapter. so I did well at the job but it wont get in the way of this as I'm only doing big events and there aren't many, so hope you enjoy this, byeeeee)


I stood outside the club at 6:41, there was a line outside for this club, mostly humans but there were a few mutants, none as big as me but still, (y/n) texted saying she was coming out to get me, suddenly the door opened and stepped out was a big guy, probable the bouncer "I'M LOOKING FOR A RAPH!!" I went to speak but then a few other shouted "yeah that's me" I was get really pissed 'who the hell are there's guy' then the bouncer turn, I looked like he was talking to someone, then suddenly (y/n) stepped out "SHUT THE HELL UP" then she looked at me, I was the tallest so it was easy to spot me "hey babe" I said, she smirked and shouted "come here, your a VIP tonight" she held out her hand and without a heart beat I jumped out the line and grabbed her hand, I could here the men saying stuff like 'how the hell do you get a VIP pass?' and 'aww come on really?' I gave out a laugh and with that the door closed.

(y/n) turned to the bouncer "thanks dean, oh and by the way this is Raphael my boyfriend, raph this is dean" I looked at the guy, he was slightly shouter than me but did look like he could give a good beating "sup Raphael" I shook his hand but I felt slightly imitated by him "call me how long have you know each other" dean then laughed "i've known (y/n) since she first got here, (y/n) is like the little sister to everyone here, she is the newest but I make sure she stays out of trouble" (y/n) then playfully punched him on the arm but then dean came closer to me "ohh and if you hurt her, i'll find you and make sure you regret ever meeting me" he looked dead serious by I puffed up my chest to look bigger "i won't and thats me giving you my word, I wont ever... hurt her" dean took a step back and looked me up and down but then smiled "well then we gonna get along just fine my brother" he fist bumped me and patted my back "now you two run along and get your seat while I deal with these animals out here" dean said and then walked away, I turned to (y/n) "well that was... intense" she just smiled at me and said in a nervous voice "one down, one to go" I raised one eyebrow when she said that but then got pulled away before I got a chance to say anything.

She sat me in the center of the room right in middle of the room, she seemed really excited about this dance "so why have I to sit here" she smiled and kissed my cheek "its a suprize" she then turned to walk away "wait where are you going?" she turned tapping her nose and walked on. I just sat there in an empty room 'great now what' suddenly someone cleared their throut, I turned to see the bar tender, I still was pissed with what he said about me "what do you want?" I grunted, he held something behide his back but then placing it on my table, it was a bottle of 'beer?' "im sorry for what I said, I just.. um.. I just didn't think before I speak" he was bowing his head as if he was ashamed "hey it's okay, I mean you's are friends, you were just lookin out for her, i guess" he nodded and looked at the drink "she said you liked this, it's on the house okay" I lifted it up and nodded to him "cheers" he smiled and walked back to the bar.

After about 5 minutes the doors opened and most of the tables were filled but still more came, then the lights went up on the stage 'I thought she wasn't going on till 8?' but it wasn't her, no it was an older man "everyone, tonight is a very special night, one of my dearest friends has come for a visit but he also helped me to start all of  this" all the men cheered and whisle "yeah yeah , well he's here, but he's also brought his best act which have been a big hit all across America and I know some of you's are gonna enjoy this, so please give a big cheer for the heel boys" I didn't know how they were but some guys in the crowd went mental. Smoke machines went off creating a thick fog on the stage, then three guys came on, that first I thought they were street dancers but then I noticed them wearing heels 'wait, what', a beyoncy song came on and they started dancing (the video up top), they were all in time with each other, they way they danced was mad and the fact they worn heels aswell, behind me I could hear cheering and whisling and saying 'yeah baby work it' it was amazing and most people would have a problem but it didn't bother me.

So they're dance finnished and at the corner of my eye I could see (y/n) waving me over, I stood up and placed my jacket on my seat and walked to her, she looked nervous "whats up?" I asked her "did... jax talk to you?" I nodded "yeah" she fiddled with her fingers and looked down wards "did...did he-" I cut her off by genitally grabbing her hands "we sorted stuff out, no worries" she shot her head up "really" I nodded and she jumped up and hugged me, I held her and close my eyes "im glad, raphie" I gave out a chuckle 'that god damn name'.

we hugged a little more till we heard someone say "excuse me?" in a shy voice, I opened my eyes to see one of the guy dances, it was the one at the front, (y/n) jumped down "raph this is a friend Daryl, Daryl this is raph" he nodded and shaked my hand, he then leaned and looked out, I turned to see the crowd "what is it?" I heard (y/n) ask, I turned to see him looking disappointed "nothing... it doesn't matter, it was nice to meet you, raph" he turned and walked away, I looked at (y/n) but she just shook her head no, I nodded "so when you on?" she smirked "there are 3 other dances and then ours, so soon I guess" I then grabbed her hand but noticed something up her arm 'paint' she wiped her arm away "ah ah ahhh, you're gonna ruin it" she then turned and walked away, I laughed and walked back to my seat and watched the other dances, they were quite boring, it was just girls shaking their asses which ever since I met (y/n) I just didn't find attractive anymore but I waited for (y/n)'s dance to come on.








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now