Cheap Whore

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(Quick question, who here is a fan of MCR, my chemical romance, I going to be referring to different singers/bands, so if your a killjoy MAKE SO NOISE)


you woke up at 6:45 and quickly got ready, you wore one of your favourite outfits (sorry if you don't like it, you can change I if you want) you wore a pair of dark red jeans with a Gray My Chemical Romance tank top, you then put on a pair of black socks and slipped on your gray army boots. After you finished getting ready you looked at the clock with readded 6:57, you quickly got up to start making breakfast.

You made scramble eggs and fried up some sausages for me and evan and speaking of the devil, at 7:15 evan came though still in his pjs, we sat and had our breakfast and watched the morning news and at 7:40 we finished and evan got ready for school and by 7:49 use were out the door.

You walked evan to the school but you don't close as some of the parents know and recognise you from the club and you always get growlers and hissed at, so to save evan the pain, you don't show your face. You left evan just a bit away for the school and started heading home, you decided to do some shopping for food since raph wasn't coming for another 4 hours. So what started of as a usual shopping trip turned into a disaster, you were picking up some chicken nuggets for evan when you heard someone behind you "hey ain't that scarlet from that strip club" your lifted you head up 'shitshitshitshit' you just stayed calm and just walked away but that didn't work "hey you" and you felt someone grab your arm, you turned and looked at the guy, he was in a suit and had that look of a lawuer "can I help you" he smirked at your question "yeah baby, you weren't on stage last night and me and the boys missed your fine ass" he started to get to close "i don't know what your on about" I got my arm out of his grip and walk away but he placed his arm in front of you blocking your way, you were going to say something but then you saw a ring, a wedding ring on his finger, you lost it "your a pig" you spat in his face, he then removed his arm and just looked at you, before you could blink he slapped you and you were down on the ground holding your check "and your a cheap whore", the whole store heard and everyone was staring but luckily the staff came over to help you, the guy got kicked out and you were helped up, they asked if you were okay but you just said you were fine and just wanted to get you shopping done, they helped you and even said you didn't need to pay 'wow charity, how sweet' you just accepted it and got out of there, you decide to take the long way home to avoid the club, by the time you got home it was 9:47.

you got in and packed away the food and took off your jacket and scarf off, after being in the house for ten minute it finally hit you, you broke down in tears and renumbered what he said but you then laughed "a whore huh?", you were a mess so you cleaned up and redid your make up, you still had 3 hours and you couldn't wait another minute, you got your phone a dialled raphs number, it wasn't long till raph answered "hey (y/n) what's up" "hey raph umm could you some over early to pick me up" there was a pause "yeah sure, what time do you want me to come over" "umm... the now" "Wait what, now why?" you heard him running and bumping into stuff "if there's a problem" you were cut off "NO no no, its fine ill be over soon" he hung up but you were sure he fell just before hanging up the phone, you quickly got ready with your black leather jacket and checker scarf.

You sat there for a bit before you heard a tap at the window, you got up and opened the window and he stepped in, you looked at him and he looked little he just did a marathon "hey raphie" he rolled his eyes but looked back, he was about to say something but then his eye widened, he put his hand under your chin and turned your face 'crap' you only put eyeliner and lipstick but you did even put anything on to cover the red slap mark on you face, raph examined your cheek and he seemed pissed "who did this" you moved your head out of his grip "no one I fell" he rased an eyebrow "yer lying (y/n)" you smirked "no im not... can we just go please" he didn't look convinced but he shakes his head "sure but we're talking about this later" you smiled and climbed out the window with him following.

use climbed to the top of the building and you turned to Raph, he smiled "may i" he was asking if he could pick you up, you nodded and he quickly scooped you up in his big strong arms "hold on" he said with a smirk on his face "wait why ahhhh" you were cut off by him running and jumping to the next building, you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried you head into his shoulder, he held you close and it felt great, you could of sworn he was smirking but you didn't mind, he made you feel safe 'don't do this to yourself, he just dump you when he's bored and you'll have no one else but yourself to blame' you reminded yourself, your smile disappeared and you ended up feeling horrible again.

love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now