You broke me

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(hello my mutants, so it getting to that point where the ending must be decided but I'm so scared because I want this book to be like WOW and OMG but I don't want it to be like that it a pure lame ending. anyway heres the next chapter, please don't cry)


everyone was making their way to the docks, april and casey were taking the van who a guy you hadn't met was drive, vern was it?. It doesnt matter right now, the boys were running on the roofs, raph was holding you as he jumped, you had your arms around his neck. He jumped to the ground which took you off guard, you let out a smell yelp which made raph smirk "its okay princess, I wont drop you" he whispered to you, you looked to him "oh are we back with the princess, nick name" he stopped at the spot and placed you down "its you want, I can call you my queen" he winked at you, you rolled your eyes before hugging him "we'll decide after tonight" you pulled away when you heard the van.

April and casey jumped out but april told the guy to park somewhere close but hidden. He drove off leaving everyone to get up and into their passitions, raph waited with you as the rest got to their spots. Donnie placed sensers at different points that would tell him if someone was coming.

You and raph held each othr as he gave over and ear piece "we'll keep ya right, just... dont force a fight, try and stay calm and dont look suspicion, okay?" he must ohf told you this 20 times already "raph, ill be okay. Im not alone and I know how to sweet talk" you were trying to make jokes but raph just nodded "that you do babe, that you do" he looked at your face, as if he wasn't going to see you again "hehe, can you stop, you're making me nervous" he then pulled you in and held you "i swear if he touches you ill-" you then kissed him, you knew if he was angry then his mind wouldn't be clear, which could lead to bad things.

You slowly pulled away to look into his eyes "no matter what happens... ill always be your girl" you whispered to him "damn right you are" this time he was making joke which made you laugh but cry aswell. You could feel the fear building up as the sun set, suddenly donnie came over the ear pieces "guys, theres movement in the south coming this way. Raph better move now" you nodded as he looked to you "go.. ill be fine" he kissed yur head before running off. You tried to hold yourself together but now you were here, alone and he was coming for you, it was like your nightmares but this time you weren't just gonna wake up.

You stayied stile, not really sure why but it just seemed like the best thing to do in a situstion like this. You looked up to see one lap post that hardly light up the are "well well well, I actully didnt expect you to leave them" lewis's voice echo throught the yard, you turned thinking he would be there but he wasnt "w-where are you?" you asked but you voice shook.

There was a pause but then "you know, I wonder what those freaks are thinking right now.... maybe that orange one is thinking how much of a selfish BITCH you are... or the purple one is thinking of how he could track you down... and beat the living shit out of you.... ah but that blue one, no he probably doesn't care about you since he got that boy to play with haha...... OH AND RAPHAEL, now he's probably think of the next place to go and get a fuck buddy, huh?" you clenched you fists trying to block out his words.

You then heard leo "dont listen, just stay calm" you nodded before taking a breath "i-it doesnt matter, cuz I left them... I made my desition to come back with you" you said as you looked around. There was no answer, you looked around till you suddenly got a chill at the back of your neck, you turned to be face to face with him "is that so?.... tell me, wheres the little brat, um whats his name?" you took a quick breath before speaking "evan.... he's names evan" you answered which made him turn "yes that one... wheres he... last time I check you wanted kids, so why'd you leave him?" he was now in your face "like id let you near him... not after what you did" you were growling at him but he just seemed amused "what part?, making you into a stronger person that doesnt take any bullshit, oh maybe the fact I killed your sister.... or is it cuz I-" you then ran to him bang your hands on his chest "IT DOESNT MATTER, YOU FUCKED ME UP... YOU BROKE ME" you cried out, you were sick of hearing his word but you also didnt want his to say what he did out loud.

(ohhhhhhhhhhhh, well what could it be. you'll find out probably some point in a few days cuz it was a long weekend and all I did was sleep haha. I hope you liked this chapter and I gonna go to bed cuz I have college tomorrow hahaha..... yeahhhh)








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