A lot of changes

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS YESS IM BACK, OMG I MISSED THIS SO MUCH. All I did was write when I wanted to post so badly. but I was able to get a signal every now and then but I basically had o climb trees haha. well here it is and I hope you enjoy)

TIME SKIP 2 MONTHS third person POV

In such a sort period of time, a lot has happened, daryl was able to convince his boss to let him stay in new york, so he got his own place, it was pretty sweet looking, it was mostly whites and blacks but he had lots of space to himself ,well that's what everyone thought, you on the other hand knew daryl had a 'friend' who made regular visits to him.

leo still hasn't told his brothers or father about him and daryl but you think donnie figured it out already because leo and daryl were laying on the couch one day and had fell asleep leaning on each other, you walked in to see donnie looking at them but you swore you saw him smiling.

Surprisingly all the guys found work in different places, raph was working at a car place, since he helps out with fixing the sell riser and all, he thought thats something he could do. Leo got a job at a gym, he does some self defence classes but mostly just walks around assisting people. Donnie well he got a funny job,hes an IT guy, he helps people with their computer problems, but sometimes he gets a couple of miss dialed numbers and gets chatted up by people.

Mikey however, he's an entertainer, he dresses up for kids parties, he comes home with all kinds of stories like how he was ambushed by 5 year olds or even how awesome he is at his job, he is good with kids and you knew if he found a girl, that hed be a great dad just not now, hes like your little brother.

Oh and almost forgot, the guys found a place to move into on topside. it was a studio apartment and had a garage connected to it, so it was perfect, however there was only four bed rooms, so after talking it over and making arrangements, you asked raph if he would like to move in with you which he said YES to.

jax who was still doing the whole protective brother thing, said he thinks you two were moving to fast but if you think about it, most people when they're dating see each other once a week but you and raph mostly see each other everyday so we have basically squished together what should be a months dating into a week. Of course you made sure evan was fine with it before anything happened and no surprise he was, he was practically packing raph's bags for him when he heard the news.

Now after all these things, one thing started to happen that you didnt tell the guys, you started to reseave more letters from the officer, she was daryls sister but they don't really talk anymore, she started to write about how they're investigating and they'll catch him, its been 2 months and they still haven't found him, you had a sick feeling that he was tracing you down and knowing lewis, he will find you.


its so weird, the lair is mostly enpty, we packed up as much as we could take. Donnie suggested that the stuff we aint taking, should go to charity or to child who dont get toys or what ever. We all made up boxes each to put stuff we dont want in, mikey was the worst, he insisted he needed everything "come on mikey, do you really need this teddy bear" leo asked as he picked up mikeys toy "YESSSS, hes mine and no one can have him" I face palmed, leo rolled his eyes "mikey, your 20 years old, dont you think you're a little old for teddy bears?" leo said ask he tried to take the teddy bear away, mikey quickly tryied to take igt back but leo was taller "LEO GIVE IT BACK" I was thinking whether to take it off leo or not, but then I heard a cough behind me, I turned to see (y/n) with her arms foulded and she didnt looke happy "hey babe?" she then pushed past me, she walked to leo and did a jump and grabbed the teddy when leo wasnt looking, she threw it to mikey "there you go mikey, dont give up something you want" and with that she walked out.

I followed her to the living room which she was helping master splinter pack "hey you okay?" I asked as I grabbed one f the boxes that has been sealed "yeah but you shouldn't be pushing mikey around, hes the youngest so this change will be affecting him the most" I grunted at her, I know shes right but shes been acting a little stressed, I think its because her boss is being a dick to her, also the move has soething to also do with it, after taking the boxes to the shellriser I then had to pack up my stuff to go to (y/n)s house.

I walked in my room to see (y/n) starting to pack, she was tacking down my comics and putting them into plastic bags and then into boxes "hey, why you doing it like that" she turned and smirked "cuz, if somehow when we're moving them that water gets into them, they wont get damaged" I nodded before helping her out. When we finally packed the last box to my room, it was 5:00 pm exactly "well we better head home" (y/n) said with a smirk on her face, I love that smile of hers, its the highlights of my day "yeah lets got, evan will be waiting and I think daryl will want to head home too" she nodde and walked out the room, we asked daryl to look after evan when he came home from school, he didnt mind bt he said he had to be home for dinner time cuz a friend was coming over.


you walked out of raphs room, he seems excited but also a little nervous, you dont blame him, hes always lived wth his family and not to mention all boys, so moving top side with a female and without his family, now that you think about it, he is taking a big step but he said he was okay with it. You were so deep in thought that you bumped straight into leo "ouch.. oh i'm so sorry leo" you apoliged "no no no im sorry I wasn't looking" you smiled as you looked down to see a photo of him and daryl "you going to see him tonight" you whispered as you looked around "how- hehe yeah, we're having dinner together" you huged leo, which caught him off guard "i glad you guys are still together but when are you going to tell everyone" you whispered into his ear, leo placed you down and he now hard a sad smile "i dont know, I havent fould the right time" you nodded but then saw donnie at the corner of your eye, he seemed to be eavesdropping on us "hey donnie" you said whilst waving, he got a fright and slightly stumbled "hehe-um ahh hel-hello" you then looked at leo and back to donnie, everything fell silent until donnie spoke "well im gonna go finnish packing up the lab" as he ran off leo shoke his head and went to help, you on the other hand got your stuff and went to get raph to home.

(Did you like it? yes no maybe well please leave you thoughts and as always, good night a mutants cuz I just got home and I'm fricken tired)







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