You're So Busted

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so I'm sick but that's not new but anyway, here is the next chapter, I hope you like it because one I couldn't stop laughing while writing it and two I have no life and this seems to be going well. Also quick question, so I never really said which Raphael I was using, you know like the TV show, the cartoon movie or the 2014 movie. SO WITH RAPH ARE YOU GUYS IMAGING, please comment your answer if you wish too and I will go type up the next part, SEE YA LATER)

You looked in to see a full kitchen, well sort of, it was stuff they probably found in dumps or something but they made a living out of it, it was amazing how they lived down here and no one knew, you walked to the fridge and opened it, you kinda wanted to find that orange juicy so you searched but nope nothing, till you saw that under the fridge was a box sticking out 'ya dancer' you pull it out but you didn't find the juice, no you found... beer and it was you favourite but who's is it, mikey seems to childish, leo seems to responsible, donnie is just to smart to drink the 'toxin' and splinter is well to splinter and that leaves... raphie. You smirked before taking one of the beers slipping it under your shirt and pushing the box back under properly, you looked around to make sure no one saw and went to find the rebel himself.

You walked out to see mikey playing solo, you then looked around but couldn't find raph "hey mikey" he paused the game and looked at you "sup beautiful" you blushed "where's raph" he smirked and looked around "he might either be training or in his room just down the hall, you know it when you see it" I wonder what the meant, you smiled and waved "thanks" you decided to just wait in his room and do the James bond thing 'ive been expecting you Raphael' well something like that.

You walked down the hall passing a door that said bathroom 'okay i'll keep that in mind' a bit more down the hall where five doors and each was different, one was a poster of a show, it said 'space heros' you then remembered raph said leo watches that, the next one was chemical sighs and 'stop toxic zone' in the center, that donnies because well hes a little smart guy who likes science, the next was cover in superheros and sticker of different things but it had the word boyakasha writer on it, mikey, the next was just a plain door 'hmm is that it' but then I looked at the far end one and it was red with a japanese symbol on it and a yellow sign saying stay out "nope that's raph's" you walked up to it and knocked on it but no answer, you knocked again but nothing so you took the chance and went in.

At first it seemed pitch dark but then your eye adjusted and you could see, you were at first thinking you were going to see a messy room with stuff on the floor, cups and pizza everywhere but no, instead you saw a book case to you left with comics set in order with action figurers at the side, a bed that was feather up at the far left corner that was folded up all straight and a drum set sitting in the right far corner, it was all tidy well except one bit with was a desk that was on the oppaset side of the book case, it has bits of paper all over the desk with 'drawings?', you moved closer to look, it was drawing of monster and hero's and they were real good like so must detail but on caught your eye, it was of a girl that had dark hair which cover one eye and she was biting her lower lip and you weren't sure but it was either she had the sun behind her or a halo but either way it was beautiful but you couldn't help but think It kinda looked like you, you decided to leave it but you were going to ask how he's so good at drawing, you sat on his bed taking out the bottle waiting for him to walk in.

Right on time you heard voice but only faint "hey raphieeeeeee" 'aww that's to cute' "don't call me that, anyway wheres (y/n)?" there was a pause "oh yeah she was looking for you, I think shes...." he must have point in this direction "WHAT she's in my room" you then heard foot steps coming closer 'oh shit, did I just fuck up' then the door flew open but you didn't move, you hid the bottle in your jacket hoping he didn't see "hey there tough guy" he smirked "why are ya in my room" I then looked around "i was looking for you so I though where's the best place to look for a big handsome mutant turtle, so I came to your room but I was wrong" you pushed yourself back so your back was against the wall "i was training.... sooo how long have you been in here" he was looking around seeing if anything was out of place "not long, why, do you have a secret stash of porn in here" he went red 'did... did I just guess that right' he then stepped in front of the table " its just ahh.. I have a lot of thing in here I don't want people to touch" you gave out a small laugh 'now's the time to bust him' you grabbed the bottle bring it out " like this?" you wiggled it a bit showing it off. His face went still and he just started at the bottle "how did you find that?" you then gave an evil smirk 'busted'.

you got off the bed "same way everyone else would have if I hadn't saved your ass" you poked his arm "aww thanks" he said, you turned to the desk "by the way, nice drawings" you sat back down, he then brought out the desk chair "haha, so you did see them, great" he seem embarrassed but why "hey they're good and umm quick question" he looked up at you "is that one me?" you pointed at the one you were looking at "umm... yeah sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck "hey don't apologise, I like it, I looked sexy" you both laugh and then everything went silent but you then decided to make a joke "sooo, you don't have a hidden collection of porn" you both laughed again but harder because well you just said what ever you like and didn't care. You two finally stopped laughing and raph looked up "umm haha, well?" you then sat up "oh my god, you so do" you then looked around, raph stopped you and placed you back up on the bed pinning you down "hey you ain't gonna find it princess" you then looked at him and gave up "fine, can ya get a bottle opener for this" you wiggled the bottle, he looked at it then you "didn't take ya for a beer kind of gal" you layed down on the bed "guess there's stuff you don't know, raphie" he then gave you one hell of a grower "hey what did I say about, raphie" you then sat up and folled your legs into a basket "you said you loved that name so much that you want me and mikey to call you it till the end of time" raph then rolled hid eyes and got back up "whatever, i'll get that opener for ya" then he walked out.






love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя