who the hell is April

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(y/n) POV

so you got set up in the rooms and headed back to the living room to wait for the pizzas, 15 minutes passed and evan's stomach growled "(y/n) i'm hungry" you then opened your arms, he came over and sat beside you cuddling up o you "i know sweetie, i'm sure mikey and donnie will be back soon" you then heard someone coming your way, you turned hoping it was the pizzas coming but you saw raph just coming out of the dojo "hey babe" you sighed "hey" you cuddled into evan. Raph came to your side and smirked "ya two hungry?" you nodded, there was silence but then you realised something "where's Daryl..... and Leo" as soon as you said it, you then had a thought "yeah I ain't seen them either, Ill check leos room" raph then started moving towards the rooms "WAIT!" you moved off the couch and ran in front of raph "what?" you had to come up with something to say "i... i'll go check, plus I need to ask if Daryl is working tomorrow" you then started walking slowly to leos door "o-okay?" raph sounded a little ticked off 'ahhhhh leo, you so owe me one'.

You entered the hall way and headed to leos door, you didn't want to just walk in, then again you hated it when people ruined the moment. You stayed quite and listened for a second but nothing. you were about to just walk in but then you heard someone gasping for air from inside the room 'OH SHIT' you tried to stay quite but then you started to heard rumbling in the room, you were kinda stuck now, if you go back without leo and daryl, raph will get suspicious but if you walk into them, then you could ruin daryl and leos chance plus see something you prefer not to see.

You stood there trying to decided 'ahhhh shit' you took the risk and knocked on the door, everything went silent but then you heard foot steps . The door opened a little and showed leo "oh, hi leo" you smirked and looked behind him, the room was really dark but you were sure daryl was in there "h-hey... (y/n), what's up" he was leaning on the door trying to block what was behind him "have you seen daryl?" leo's eyes widened "i- um... well" you then started laughing at leo stuttering, you the placed a hand on his shoulder "ill leave you two alone but please come to the living room soon, raphs starting to get suspicious" leo then bowed his head slightly and laughed "haha yeah, thanks... we'll come though soon" you smirked and knocked on the door "take it easy on him Daryl" you could hear Daryl giggling on the other side of the door.

You made your way back to the living room to then see raph and evan playing mario cart, from looking at the screen you could see evan was winning, you decided to stay quite and just watch "ohh, ohh I'm coming for ya buddy" raph said as he got a bullet, he was playing bower and evan was yoshi. You smiled as you listended a little longer "no way, im so going to win" raph then made a sharp turn which made him fall off a cliff "ahh come on" you looked at him and smirked 'getting his ass bet by a 9 year old' the sound for the end of the race rang out making evan jump up "yesss" raph then got up "awesome work evan, rematch" you laughed which made evan and raph turn to you "oh (y/n), do you wanna play" you were about to answer but you then heard mike and donnie "PIZZAS HEREEEE" you turned to see four pizza boxes in mikeys arms, donnie was talking and you could hear another voice 'wait is that a girl' you were about to go see but raph came to your side "april, come meet (y/n)" you looked up at raph 'who the hell is april, you then turned to see donnie with a girl next to him, she was ruffly around your age, maybe slightly older, she had long brown hair, she had a good figure from what I could see, she was wearing trainners, blue skinny jeans with a baggy gray t shirt and a bright yellow jacket. We stared at each other for a bit but then she smiled and lifted her hand up to shake "hi, im april oneil" you gave a little smile and shook her hand "(y/f/n)" it was then silent but then mikey called out to everyone "COME GET SOME PIZZA".

Yous made your way to the living room but you looked back to the hallway to the rooms, darly was walking towards you with one bid smile, you stopped and waited for him whilst the rest kept going "hey, sooo" you smirked as you then cause sight of leo leaving his room now "ill tell you later, we're starving" you heard his stomach growl, you nodded and headed to the table everyone was at.

When you got there, you saw where everyone was siting, raph, mikey and donnie all sat at the ends of the table, leo took the last seat at the end, on one side of the table was leo, evan and donnie. The other side was raph, april and mikey, the only seats were right at the ends of the table, daryl took the one closes to leo but it was also the one close to raph, you desided to not make a fuse and just go to th eother end with donnie and mikey.

Everything was good, evan was laughing and talking to everyone, the pizza was gone in no time, you had only gotten two slices but you were more focused on evan getting enough to eat, you watched everyone at the table, you mostly looked at raph but you didnt like what you saw, april kept doing that thing the girls do, the whole laugh at everyoine and hit the guys should saying "your're so funny" you kept give her growlers but she didnt see them, donnie however notised "hey you okay?" everyone stopped ther conversations and looked at you "haha, yeah um, I just dont feel to good now" everyone say stuff like 'you okay' and 'I hope your not catching something' after you insisted you were okay everyone went back to talking, you looked at evan who was finishing up his last pizza "you full sweetie" he nodded and wiped his mouth.

April then turned and looked at us "so evan, how long have you and your mum know the turtles" as soon as she said it, everyone went silent, evan had a confused look on his face, you got up and headed over to evan "um actually, im him aunty" April then leaned back "oh, sorry... wait so wheres-" you cut her off, you knew what she was going to ask "evan I thing its time to go brush our teeth, yes" evan looked up to you and nodded "okay (y/n)", he headed out to the bathroom, once he was out the room you turned to face everyone "so what movie are we watching" you smiled but deep down you wanted to pull up april, but she didnt know so its not her fault "hows about annebelle" donnie said "that aint even scary" raph said as he got up, he walked over to you and wrapped an arm around you "okay.... sinister" everyone looked at each other "i havent seen it" you said, all the boys looked at each other and smiled "sinister, it is" darly said, you all cleaned up and walked out to the living room.








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora