His first girl

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(MY MUTANTS, please check out jivra. She drew this wonderful piece of art, support her please. Also WARNING THIS PAGE CONTAINS SOME HOT BITS WITH RAPH, ENJOY!!!!!!!!)

You came back out and looked up to the table all four were there 'great I can get a drink before I do this' you thought to yourself, you always drank for confidence so the drink wasn't about him it was because you were really insecure... yeah and you're a stripper how odd.

You made your way to the bar again and asked jax for a jack daniels, he gave a look but went and got the drink anyway, you looked up to the table to see the blue one looking at you he gave a nod and you gave one back, jax came back with the drink and with one big swoop you drank it all, jaxs mouth opened he was always amazed at the fact that you couldn't get drunk as easy as most girl, you handed the glass back with a smile "I'll be in The Lounge for an hour" jaxs face went to a concerned look, you weren't that kind of stripper yeah you dance, sing and do searving but that's it.

You turned to see two turtles at the door the blue one and the red one, you walked over swinging your hips and when you reached them you said "so this is the lucky boy I get to entertain" God you were cringing at this, the red one didn't say anything but you knew he was nervous as he was blushing. The blue one walked away saying "have fun Raphael" you gave a little laugh "so your name is Raphael" he look at you and gave a light side smile "umm ..ahh...most people just call me raph" poor guy he looks like he's gonna past out, you took his hand a lead him into the room and closed the door behind you.

 The room was big and the walls were purple with black details of flowers and vines, it had a mini square stage at the centre and four coutch/beds on each sides of the stage. You sat him on the bed and got out the ipad that controlled the lights and music and handed him it, he stared at it and he look like he didn't understand "you're in complete control of this just tell me what you want me to dance to" you sat on the bed next to him, he looked away in fact he wasn't sure where to look.

You felt sorry for him and you didn't want to ruin this. You needed the money so you had to do whatever "You know I don't have to dance... um.. I could" you climbed onto the bed to make it clear what you were talking about, he seemed to be pissed but then he looked into your eyes, he could probably see you were nervous "no please stop you don't have-" you interrupted him "raph its okay, just tell me what you want" his eyes were still on you, you could have sworn you saw pain in them.

You knew what was wrong with him, how because they were like yours, they seen some mess up shit and they were filled with loneliness, you made up your mind just to give the money back, you got up to leave but he grabbed you hand "no please... please stay.... I just wanna talk" you couldn't help but smile and think 'well well, this can go one or two ways'.

You came back and sat back on the bed with you legs curved to one side of you body, Yous talked for what seemed like forever but you didn't mind. He told you about his brothers  and even told you their names and how they all protected the city, even before mutants came out, he also told you how he kept having this same nightmare over and over again about losing them.

You told him about how your parents died, you and your sister were in foster but you really didn't like people knowing certain stuff about your past, he then mensition how he got forced to come here but he was happy he did. You looked at the timer and it said 15:42 and you felt guilty for not doing anything so you decided to ask him again "sooo...we have like 15 minutes left soo are you sure you don't want me to dance a little" raph looked up to you and gave a smirk "well... um if you don't mind could you do the one you did on stage" you smiled, you got the ipad and gave a nod, you pressed play on the song and made your way to the stage and began.


After you finished dancing you looked over to see raph clapping his hands and he asked "hey i've been wondering is.. 'Scarlet' your real name" you laughed at the question, you walked off the stage and sat on the beside him on the bed "no that's my really stupied stage name, my real name is (y/f/n)" he smiled abit more "that's a really nice name " you gave a slight blush, you noticed the space between you and raph has gotten smaller. You look into his bright green eyes and he looked back into your (e/c) eyes, he started tilting his head and leaned his head towards yours till your lips touched, you leaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, you were breaking a few rules for this guy, but you couldn't give a shit right now. He grabbed your waist and lifted you and placed you on his lap gently.

 The kiss was really sweet but you were hoping it would get exciting and as though he was reading your mind, not even a second and you felt his tounge brushing aganist you lips wishing for accuses which you granted.

The kiss seemed to become more hot and passionate, he even started to move his hands up and down your back and pulling you closer and this made you give out a little moan but you place his hands back on to your waist, you didn't really let people touch your back. Yous broke apart for air and he begain laying kisses all around your neck, your breathing became louder and you felt you body heat up but you couldn't let this go on any longer.

You placed your hands  on either side of his face making him look up at you "whats wrong?" he looked worried like he did something wrong 'was he worried that I wasn't having a good time', yous stared at each other not saying anything, you were about to answer but yous were interrupted by a knock at the door followed by a familiar voice, Raph oldest brother Leo "hey, yous two still alive in there" you could here Mikey laughing like a child, raph gave an annoyed sounding sigh "yeah, we're just leaving leo" you smiled at Raph and thought 'did he really think if leo didn't interupe us, he would have got some, yeah right' you placed a kiss on his head and got off his lap heading towards the door.

You walked out to see the three turtles standing there, you walked past giving them a little flirty wave and walked away, you heard behind them laughing followed by a "shut up" when you turned around you saw Raph's face was bright red like his mask and also covered in your lipstick, you gave a little laugh and walked away to your changing room.

(so this is the start of their connection, I should be able to update tomorrow and I'm going to start to get more into this characters background) 








love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now