Khade Hynkle Moves In

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"WAKE UP THERES A FIRE!" a voice yelled into my ear making me jerk up from my bed and in the process causing me to hit the ground, despite my fall I quickly fumbled to stand up but as soon as I did I was pelted with water balloons, that's when I realized there was no fire. My younger brother Josh laughed at me as he continued to pelt me with water balloons while I was only wearing my boxers.

"I'm gonna kick your ass!" I charged toward the midget I call a brother, he let out a squeal before dropping all the water balloons, and ran down stairs into the kitchen.

"Mom! Nicholas wants to hit me!" He yelled and hid behind my mother as she prepared a bottle to feed my youngest brother Alfie

"Nick, leave your brother alone" my mom glared at me

"but mom! Josh came into my room and threw water balloons at me!"

"He's just a kid, Nicholas" Mom said to me as she picked up Alfie from the ground.

"He's fourteen!"

"Its only the first day of summer and already the both of you are fighting! please for the sake of my sanity try to get along for two months" and with that my mom left the kitchen with Alfie still in her arms. I turned to Josh, shivering from being wet, and met his snarky smile.

"Haha she didn't get me in trouble" I glared at him.

"haha at least I hit puberty" and with that I left the kitchen, knowing I had one this battle.

My bed and covers and some of my floor were wet because of Josh's little stunt he pulled. With a sigh I grabbed my sheets into a large ball and went downstairs into the laundry room and put them to wash, they haven't been washed in a couple months so I might as well. On my way back to my room I grabbed the mop to clean up the pool of water in my room.

Today was the first day of summer vacation. The sun was shinning and I was supposed to be asleep, but due to all the annoyances in my life, I doubt that sleeping in will ever be something I enjoy.

While I was changing I heard pebbles hitting my window, I already knew who it was. Walking over to my window I popped it open, and there stood my friends, Gemma, Chevelle , and my best friend (not to mention the most beautiful human to have grace this Earth) Edgar.

Yes, Im in love with my best friend, and yes he knew, I came out to all of my friends in 8th grade, Chevelle and Gemma were ecstatic about having a GBF, Edgar on the other hand didn't say much, in fact when I broke the news he said 'cool' and then proceeded to ask me if I had done the Math homework.

It was Freshman year when I begun to develop feelings for him, the summer before freshman year was when Edgar hit puberty, lost weight, and cut his shoulder length hair, I confessed to him on Halloween of Sophomore year. We were trick or treating, I was Peter pan and Edgar was superman, Chevelle and Gemma had went to a Halloween party that I didn't want to go to, I told everyone they could go and there would be no hard feelings, Edgar insisted on going trick or treating instead. Half way through the night were walking to the next street over and got chased by clowns in suits, I ran for my life and Edgar laughed and followed me, I stopped running a few blocks over, long after the clowns stopped chasing us. We stopped to catch our breath, both panting. That was when I turned to him, and said to him out of breath "I like you, like like you" and Edgar smiled at me and said "I think this house over here is giving out king sized candy bars" My heart was broken but I was happy that he didn't call me gross and end our friendship there. Neither of us has spoke about it since then.

"Hey! hurry up and come down so we can play volleyball" Chevelle was a tan Latina with dark brown hair, and hazel eyes, she constantly receives criticism for her tooth gap but I think its adorable.

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