Khade Hynkle Is Managing

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"You're late" I say to Khade. Currently we're hiding behind a dumpster in an alley.

"Sorry, this lady was selling apples and I stopped to buy some" my boyfriend holds up a sack of yellow apples. I scrunch my nose.

"Ew, you should have got the green ones"

"I was thinking about it but I've never actually tried the yellow ones"

"They taste like piss"


"I don't know, probably- ANYWAYS let's just get this over with"

I'm tired of Josh and L being secretive little shits. It's time that I figure out what they're up to!

So, naturally I followed my brother and I was led to this small abandoned house. Josh and L went in but I stayed back and called Khade over. I needed him here for authority purposes in case someone wants to try me.

"Okay, you probably have to break the door in" I tell Khade. He nods in understanding and positions himself.

"1...2...3!" He throws himself towards the door and right before he collided with it, it's opened and my boyfriend falls inside.

It was that Angelo kid who opened it. Except now his death hawk was bright red. He wore tight black jeans, and leather jacket with no shirt under and high platform shoes. He also had thick raccoon eyeliner and smudged red lipstick.

"Oh, my bad, are you okay man?" He asks Khade.

I pick my boyfriend up back on his feet and enter without permission. 

The house was small so finding them was easy, they were in the living room.

"Alright Dweeb shits what's going-"

"1 2 3 4!" Each count L hits his drumsticks together. My boyfriend runs to the mic, Josh is already holding an electric guitar and Angelo runs to grab his bass. A familiar sound starts to play.

"I KNOW IM NOT AS COOL AS HAN BUT I STILL WANNA BE YOUR MAN AT PROOOOMMMMM!!!" Josh breaks out into a wicked guitar solo and suddenly confetti and balloons are falling from the ceiling around me.

Oh my god is this Khades prom proposal? I knew he would be extra but he seriously got our brothers involved!?

"Well, what do you say?" Khade walks closer to me, smiling shyly. He goes to kiss me but I block his lips with my hand.

"Yeah obviously we're going together, I've already saved up for a limo- BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" I turn to Josh, expecting answers. My brother rolls his dark eyes and sighs dramatically.

"We're in a band you idiot" He holds up his guitar for show.

"Then explain why you were crawling in the air vents at school!?" I further question

"Oh that's because we had to sneak out of school to play a gig!" Angelo answers with a bright cheerful tone and a smile to match.

"ANGELO LITERALLY SHUT UP!" L throws a drumstick and it gets stuck in Angelos death hawk. He throws his other drumstick and this time manages to hit the kid in the forehead.

"But he asked" the kid frowns like a puppy. Despite his piercings and red death hawk I think he's a sweetheart! Okay, I'll spare him.

"And you obviously knew about this since you planned a prom proposal" I face my boyfriend.

"Yeah! he helped us find this cool place to rehearse at" Angelo tells

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now