Khade Hynkle Is Mr. Nice Guy

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"Put back all these books and then you can leave" the librarian pushed a cart of books into my stomach. I let out a sound that was a mix of "oof" and a grunt. She didn't apologize and just went back to the back room to do god knows what. I looked back at the cart of books and sighed sadly. My mood lightened up when I remembered that Khade had a student council meeting after school which meant him and I would be walking home together. With that thought in mind, I pushed the cart towards the many books shelves and started my task.

Things were going smoothly, but not fast. It was barely the first week of school and I already landed myself in trouble for sleeping in class. My seventh-hour teacher was old and mean, and she didn't appreciate me sleeping through her lecture, and that landed me after school library duty for three days. Ugh, why does life hate me?

"Need some help?" I looked at the voice. It was a tall boy with grey silky hair and dark green eyes. His eyes made me nervous and his aura was alarming, it scared me, but he was offering me help, and to be honest, I really wanted it.

"Sure, I'll hand you the books and you can put them on the high shelves"

"Gotcha, I'm Damon by the way, and you're..?"

"Nick" I answered while handing him a few books.

"Right. So, might I ask what landed you library duty?" Whats with all the questions? I want to see my boyfriend!! ugh, I can't be rude though..

"I fell asleep in class" I mumbled loud enough for him to barely hear.

"Aww that's adorable" he laughed lightly

"S-Stop teasing me" I shoved the rest of the books into his hands and looked away from him annoyed. I'm a boy I shouldn't be adorable. Plus, I only like it when Khade calls me adorable. From anyone else, it just sounds weird.

"I like teasing though" he was suddenly very close to me that I had to back up. Every time I took a step back he took a step forward.

"W-Well tease someone else" My back hit the bookshelves leaving me cornered.

"I have a feeling your face would look sexy while flustered"

"flustered? is that what you think makes knees weak? plus, I have a very hot boyfriend" I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me.

"I know other ways to make knees weak that your boyfriend doesn't know" He grabbed my chin with his hand and tried kissing me, but I put a stop to that real quick by slapping him.

"Did you just slap me?" He touched his left cheek followed by his lips. He was bleeding a little, and I didn't feel bad in the slightest. I didn't stick around to entertain him. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and raced out of the library. Oh, my god, he was such a creep, I can't believe that really happened. Should I tell Khade? well, I already handled it. If anything happens again I'll tell him. No use in bringing up something that's over with.

Speak of the devil. I saw Khade coming down the stairs with a girl. They were talking and she was obviously trying to flirt. She was saying something while batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair between her fingers and Khade would laugh.

"Baby!" Khades eyes lit up when he saw me and a wide grin spread across his face. Without another word tot he girl he jogged to me and hugged me like he hasn't seen me in years. Haha yeah bitch, he's MINE.

"Hi, are you done with the meeting?" I asked.

"Not yet, Heather and I need to get some copies, you should come along," He said while holding my hand.

"Uh, what if the other council members get mad," Heather interjected. I could tell she wanted me nowhere around Khade by the way she glared at me. Khade is either oblivious or too nice because he stayed the same Mr. nice guy.

"I'm sure they won't mind." He smiled at Heather. Not as wide when he smiled at me but ti was enough to get her heart weak, so she didn't say anything else about me coming along.

"How was your day?" I asked Khade as we started walking to the copy room. I was petty and walked in between him and Heather.

"It was good! not very eventful, what about you?"

"Had library duty for falling asleep in class. Oh and Nate told me that Jake got detention for almost fighting again"

"Again? tsk, he really has a temper"

"Nate can control it though, so its fine" I left out the part about Damon. Partly because I had already forgotten the situation and also cause Heather was here and I don't want to talk about it around someone who probably hates me.

"After the meeting lets go get ice cream?"

"Khade Hynkle you sure know how to make me swoon" I laid my head on his shoulder and batted my eyelashes up at him dramatically.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Heather spoke up. I had forgotten she was walking with us.

"Like two months" I answered

"Oh, that's not very long"

"Yeah, but I also spent most of the summer chasing after him" Khade informed her.

"Ah, I see." She gave off a weird vibe but I don't know why. Oh yeah, probably cause she wants my man. Oh well! Khades MINE, and he's taking ME to get ice cream after this. Suddenly Khade started laughing.

"Whats so funny?" I asked.

"I just realized you got in trouble for sleeping. Haha! what a nerd!" I glared at my boyfriend and shoved him.

"You jerk!"


Damons POV

Even after he stormed out I stayed where I was standing.

"That was unbearable to watch" Teryn came out from behind the bookshelves where she was hiding. Her long black hair tucked behind her ears while her green eyes watched me tauntingly.

"He's not what I expected at all"

"Surprisingly. Khade usually goes for the easy ones, but this one made you bleed" I ran my tongue across where I was bleeding. The taste of blood made me smile.

"Its exciting"

"Just give it up. This has been going on long enough." I chuckled deeply and patted my sister on her shoulder.

"You're no fun Teryn. You're so quick to want to give up, that's why it didn't work out for you and Khade" She glared at me and threw my hand off of her.

"It was nothing like that!" My sister turned around and stormed out. I didn't bother going after her. I'd see her at home anyways. besides, my mind was preoccupied with a certain dark-haired boy. He was unlike what I expected. He was feisty and didn't play around with me, and my looks or charm didn't phase him, in fact, it seemed like it creeped him out more than anything. I felt a smile creep on my phase.

Well, Nick Stoner, you got me interested.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu