Khade Hynkle Makes Hearts Flutter

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"That's enough pictures!" Josh groaned.

"You think I wanna stand here and take pictures of you? blame mom, not me" The first day of Josh's high school life, and more importantly my last first day of high school.

"Can I take the tie off?" My younger brother was wearing dark jeans with a tucked in short-sleeved white button-up and a tie. The outfit was chosen by mom and I told him he could take the tie off as soon as pictures were finished. I gotta admit my brother didn't look totally butt ugly when he actually wore pants and not sweats.

"You look like you go to a private school and buy weed for 40 dollars a G" Lois popped out of nowhere, it was so sudden and unexpected that I jumped and almost dropped my phone. She cut her hair into a pixie cut again a few days earlier and wore sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt that was baggy. I'm guessing her parents didn't force her to dress up like my mom did with me and my brother. Josh's face turned red and he quickly tore off his tie and shoved it into his backpack.

"I'm leaving now"

"Have fun on your first day in hell" I patted him on the back and watched the two start walking to the high school that was a few blocks down. I wonder when they're going to date. I felt my heart get a little heavy while watching them walk together. Even though they weren't official you could still tell they were crazy for each other. I wanna walk to school with my lover too :(

Remember how Khade is the student council vice president? well, the past week he's been busy with school stuff that I haven't been able to see him much. To make things worse, he had to be at school early today for some school thing so I can't even walk with him! ugh, this is so lame.

"You ready Nicky?" Edgar's voice caught my attention. I looked to the side of the curb and saw him standing there. He wore a black polo shirt and khaki jeans. He also recently dyed his hair black and pierced his ears which suited him very well.

"Aww, you picked me up for school?" I teased while we started making our way to school.

"Psh as if, I was just passing by and saw you looking out in the wind like a sad puppy"

"You need glasses"

"Ooo, you're trying to turn me into four eyes like you?" He flicked my glasses out of place. I glared at him before fixing them and then shoved him.

"I ran out of contacts and don't feel like ordering more right now" I explained.

"Yeah, I know, you use the same excuse everytime"

"Jerk!"I tried to kick him but he swiftly moved out of the way, but I wasn't going to give up so easily and started to chase him. I was hot on his heels all the way until we reached the school steps where I jumped on his back. The both of us hit the steps but it didn't do any damage to us.

"You got faster" He complimented while still catching his breath.

"Thank you! Khade gave me some tips on running" Edgar and I had to part ways since our lockers weren't anywhere near each other, though I don't know why he needed to go to his locker since it was the first day of school. Maybe he just wanted to check it out, I dont know. I kept my eyes out for my best friend, and then I started thinking about Gemma and Chevelle. What would I do if I saw them? should I ask them why they ghosted me? I was so deep in thought that I walked into a boy.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's fine" I was so embarrassed that I spun around to run away from the embarrassment
but ran into another person.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized again.

"It's okay- Nick?"

"Jake?!" I rubbed my eyes because I couldn't believe it, but sure enough, the dark-haired boy was actually in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

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