Khade Hynkle Is a Softie

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"Imagine this. You, me, and a romantic cruise." Khade waved his chocolate mint ice cream cone like it was a wand.

"And how will we pay for this romantic cruise?" I leaned in closer to him while munching on my cone.

"Easy, I'll just become a host"

"And I'll be a stripper" I sat up straight proud to contribute to the plan.

"No." He gripped his ice cream cone a bit harder, I even heard it crack.

"What? No fair!"

"Don't worry Stoner, I'll make enough money so that you never have to lift a pretty finger ever again" he said confidently with a smile.

"Nah, I think I'll be a stripper" my boyfriend glared at me. I liked making him mad by saying I'm gonna be a stripper or something like that. It really irked him for whatever reason.

"I don't think so"

"Says who?"

"Says your husband" I held up my left hand and wiggled my ring finger.

"I don't see a ring"

"Its there, you just can't see it yet" I lifted up a brow.

"How so"


"You're so weird" I laughed fondly. Khade always said the most random and weird things to get him out of situations that didn't work in his favor. It worked because he's cute. If anyone else said the things he said then I'd probably block them from my life.

"Your ice cream is melting" Khade pointed to my cone. Vanilla was starting to drip on my fingers. I licked the ice cream off of my fingers and then opened my mouth wide and stuffed the whole cone in my mouth and swallowed it in a few bites. Khade stared at me with wide eyes and a jaw that almost hit the table.

"First of all, never do that in public again. Second of all, marry me?"

"I'll think about it"

"Which part?" Before I got the chance to reply a girl walked up to Khades and I table. She was wearing a school uniform, and Khade and I's school didn't have uniforms so I knew she was from a different school. She had long blonde hair and pretty big brown eyes. She was super pretty and her aura even had a sparkle to it. Behind her was a group of girls in the same uniform whispering and giggling.

"Uh.. Hi?" I spoke up. The girl didn't even look my way though. She was looking at Khade with sparkling eyes and a flirty smile.

"Hi, I'm Maddie. I was wondering if I could get your number" Ugh, she was even twirling her hair with her fingers, could she get any more basic? I leaned back in my seat and watched with a pout. I didn't like going out with Khade because almost always a girl came up to him and flirted. It pissed me off every single time.

"I'm on a date with my boyfriend, so can you please not approach us again?" I couldn't help but snicker. The girls face turned red. I bet she's never been rejected before. Hahhahaha!

"Yeah, we're on a date. So Byeeeee!" I waved her off proudly with a smile. She glared at me and stomped back to her friends. They spoke for a few seconds before they all walked out of the ice cream parlor. I waited a few moments and stood up.

"Whats wrong?" Khade asked as he followed me out of the shop.

"I wanna go home now" I grumbled with my arms crossed.

"Whyyy?" He pouted.

"Because you're too handsome. I'm gonna have to lock you up in my room or something." Suddenly Khade grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a tight hug. The familiar marshmallow scent making me relax.

"W-Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I love when you get jealous over me, it makes me so happy." He hugged even tighter. We were in the middle of downtown where everyone was shopping or going about their day. We got a lot of weird stares but I didn't care. In the short while of Khade and I dating I found out that he's a major softie- for me at least. He's also not embarrassed to be seen with me or anything like that. He even posts me on his social media all the time. Like today at the ice cream parlor, he forced me to take a selfie with him (I hate pictures but I'll make an exception for him) and posted it on his snapchat. I don't have any social media so I can't post him, but I'm thinking about getting Instagram and snapchat.

"Do you still wanna go home?" Khade asked

"Mmmm.." I tapped my chin and pretended to be deep in thought.

"Ooo lets watch a movie!" Khade wrapped our fingers together and dragged me to the movie theater nearby.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя