Khade Hynkle Is Shaking

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"I'm excited to ride horses," was the first thing I said when I saw Khade

"You can ride something else" Cue a cringe wink (blink?)

"Oh my god" I groaned from second-hand embarrassment.

"I'm talking about you riding on my motorcycle DUUUUH!" My boyfriend handed me a helmet.

"Uh-huh, let's just go Mr Hynkle"

"As you wish Mr Hynkle" He kissed my cheek.

"I'm still Nick Stoner until you give me a ring"

"...So does that mean you want me to call you Mr ... Stoner?" Khade cackled.

"You're extra funny today" I commented as I take my seat behind Khade on his motorcycle, fastening the helmet on my head.

"do you i've never smoked weed" Khade said proudly.

"...are you serious?" not gonna lie I was a little shocked. It's not a bad thing to not smoke weed, but where Khade and I go to school at basically everybody smokes weed- even Nate and Jake who are church boys.

"Yep, I think about trying it sometimes and then I think about the time that I saw a dude get so high at a party that he couldn't move from the couch- not even when the cops raided the place. I don't want to be a couch potato Nick"

"You're dating a couch potato"

"Yeah but you're a cute couch potato" He turned on his motorcycle; I wrapped my arms around him and we sped off. He made his bike go really loud before we drove off because he wanted to show off in front of me- he's admitted this to me so I know i'm not wrong.

"But you still drink so don't be too proud :p " I teased him.

Khade is taking me to his company party today. It was on his bosses ranch so there was going to be animals, I was so excited.

I don't like nature or physical movement, but I really fucking like horses okay.


"How many people work at the animal shelter," I asked when I saw how many people were here. Why were most of them teenagers?

"My boss owns clothing stores and fast food joints too, all from the same company, thus them coming to the company party." Khade informed me.

"And they just so happen to all be teenagers"

"My boss isn't a creep Nick, shes a wonderful old lady named Carmen" My boyfriend laughed.

"I wasn't implying that! I would just like to not feel like i'm at school on a Saturday" and it was the truth. We walked around to the backyard which was freaking huge. There were streamers and food tables all around. Games set up, multiple sections where you could pet different animals, and far off you could see the horse riding stables. It was so packed though...

"Hey Khade!" someone called out. Khade then laced my fingers with his and turned around to where the voice was heard. A small group of girls came.

"Hey, whats up" Khade smiled at them.

"Not much! you didn't bring Ally this year?" Her name made me tense. Khade squeezed my hand and I calmed down.

"No, I brought my boyfriend this time" He said to them. The girls all turned their attention on me, I felt kind of awkward so I smiled nervously, it probably made them really uncomfortable...

"Hi, I'm Nick"


"How long have you been dating?"

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now