Khade Hynkle Is a Liar

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My solution to the bed arrangement was sleeping on the ground with a sleeping bag that my mom packed for me, She must have thought that we were sleeping tenths or something, I don't know, all I know is that the sleeping bag saved me from an awkward sleeping arrangement. I went to sleep before everyone else last night, and I woke up last. My eyes open and I laid in my sleeping bag for a few seconds thinking about how much my back hurt and how dry my throat was. I groaned and got out of my sleeping bag which proved to be harder that it looked. Nobody was in my room and all beds were neatly made except for josh's.  They must have been having breakfast, and nobody woke me up.

After showering and changing my clothes I went to the cafeteria, which was a large cabin with a kitchen and a bunch of tables set up. Marilyn, Kate and Winona were talking to sister Leslie, and my brother and Lois were sitting with Nate. Both Jake and Khade were no where to be seen. I grabbed my plate of breakfast which was two pancake, some sausages, and egg and a carton of milk.

"G'morning Nick" Lois said with her mouth full of pancakes and syrup.

"You missed morning prayer" Nate said to me.His dark hair was bobby pinned away from his face.

"Ah yeah, I over slept" I grumbled while drenching my pancakes in syrup and then cutting them with my fork. 

"I was going to wake you but Khade said you were probably tired and to let you sleep" That jerk! hiding his rudeness with kindness. I see through is little act.

"Don't listen to what he says " Nate chuckled.

"Are you jealous because the girls only talk to him?" I gasped and a chunk of my pancake got stuck on my throat. I struggled for a few seconds to force it down and when I finally did I let out a  hard laugh.

"Jealous? don't make me laugh Nate, I have no interest in these girls"

"Haha are we gonna ignore the fact that you almost died?" Josh laughed with his mouth full of food. Nobody said anything to him.

"Ah, is there a girl in town that you like?" I remembered that Nate doesn't know I'm gay.

"Ah yeah, theres someone I like"

"Howdy" Jake plopped down next to Nate. This was around the time that Lois and Josh got up and left. I glared at my brother for leaving my in such an awkward situation, but fear not, the situation gets worse.

"Hey guys" Khade took a seat next to me. He didn't have a plate of breakfast so I assume he's already ate. I started shoving my mouth with what food I had left so that I could get out of here as fast as possible.

"Haha, the food isn't gonna run away Nick" Jake teased.

"A-ah yeah, I'm just really hungry"

"Mmm so am I" Jake said it in a weird tone which made everyone stop and look at him. He had a dark look in his eyes that gave me a weird feeling.

"Well, eat up then!" Nate spoke out loud and made Jake chuckle and went back to eating hi breakfast. The dark look in his eyes was gone.  I looked at him for a few seconds before continuing my breakfast.

"Hows the food?" Khade asked me and even threw in a smile.

"Its great"

"Really? I made it!" He said proudly.

"I change my mind, its trash." Nate and Jake broke out into a laugh Khade laughed along too. Stop laughing you jerk I just called your food trash!

"I take it you're Oscar The Grouch?" I glared at him and went back to eating my breakfast.

"Khade c'mere!" Sister Nat and Kate  called Khade. He stood up stretched his arms.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now