Khade Hynkle Thinks It Might Be Love

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I watched a kid swing back and forth on the chandelier. It probably wasn't real diamonds and just glass but it still looked pretty expensive. Surprisingly it supported the kid's weight this far.

"That's definitely smart" I mumbled to myself and took another sip of my drink. I scanned the area for Khade but once again didn't find him. We were together the whole night, until a few minutes ago where we somehow got separated without us knowing. I stayed in the same spot the whole time. This way we'd have a better chance at meeting up again, right? maybe I'm being too clingy. He has other friends. Maybe I could make friends tonight! okay, Nick lets look at our options! [Yes Nick, choose your friends from first glances. This will totally work!]

Option number 1 { Chandelier kid. Pros: He looks fun and -if he can remember- probably has some really wild stories to tell. Cons: Is 100% too wild for me and will get me killed. }

Option number 2 {Goth girl. Pros: wears black lipstick, is a loner like me, I like her purple nail polish. Cons: She's glaring at me, look away Nick!}

Option number 3 {Edgar- wait what! ABORT MISSON. GAME SHOW IS OVER}

I chugged down my drink when I saw my best friend (ex???) walking towards me. I made a run for it but was yanked back by him. I struggled against him but it was useless. We ended up in the bathroom together.

"Nick, what are you doing here?" He asked. He got a haircut and is tanner. it makes his blue eyes pop out even more.

"L-leave me alone!" I felt my throat get dry. I haven't spoken to him in a while. I wasn't ready yet.

"Nick hear me out. I miss you!" I shoved him back.

"No! you don't get to miss me, you don't deserve to miss me" He let go of me, and I could have run away, but I decided to stay. I wasn't ready to talk to him, but I felt the alcohol kicking in.

"Let me take you home" He tried to touch me.

"Why did you do it?"


"Why did you react that way! why get angry? why hide the kiss from me?" I asked about the Bon Fire kiss too, since it's been on my mind.

"This isn't the place to talk-"

"If you don't tell me right now then I will never speak to you again."

"Why are you being like this"

"Because Edgar! I'm sick of you ignoring my feelings! I'm tired of it! I'm tired of you not acknowledging it! I thought getting rejected was the worse thing that could happen, but having your feelings completely ignored is worse!"

"What do you want me to tell you, Nick? I didn't tell you about the kiss because it meant nothing. You could barely even walk, you weren't in the right state of mind so I just forgot about it, and you wanna know why I flipped out with Khade? because you don't know him like I do! He doesn't deserve you. Khade Hynkle is too careless, he's too popular, he's a stereotypical fuck boy and he's probably just playing with you" I didn't find comfort in his explanation. I just wanted to leave.

"I'm leaving now" I tried to walk around him but he blocked the door.

"What do you want me to tell you, Nick? that I like you? OKAY, I like you! but I'm not gay, I cant be,"

"I don't care if you like me anymore!" I yelled. Edgar's eyes went wide and I even heard him gasp a little bit.


"You're a jerk! a selfish jerk! I loved you so much and you couldn't even give me a damn answer, you just carried on with life, I offered you my heart and you didn't even glance at it! it's not fair to me! and you attacked Khade out of what? jealousy? that's a jerk move, just because he's able to express his feelings and you cant doesn't give you the right to attack him, and that's another thing! stop trying to make him seem like a bad person! calling him a fuck boy when he's far from it really pisses me off." Edgar was stunned at my sudden outburst, and I was too. He finally stepped out of my way so that I could leave. I quickly set off to search for Khade because of three things. 1) I wanted to tell him everything that just happened 2) I realized I was finally over Edgar and 3) I wanted to tell him that I liked him too. It took me a bit to accept it, but I finally do, and now I really want to say it out loud.

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