Khade Hynkle Comes Out

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"Mom!" I pushed Khade off of me. We were watching TV on the couch when he decided to get on top of me and start kissing me, and it just so happens that this is the moment my whole family came home.

"Does this mean you two are finally dating?" Noah asked

"Wait you're gay?!" Josh's eyes went wide.

"Oh Mijo, you're so stupid" Mom rubbed Josh's back with a sympathetic look.

"Hold up what? Why are you not freaking out?"

"Mijo, I've just been waiting for you to come out." She hugged me, I hugged back too but was stunned. This isn't how I was supposed to come out! It's so anticlamatic!

"Since its out on the table, I'd like to say that I'm gay too" Noah raised his hand.

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the house yelled. Now that wasn't expected. Even Alfie looked surprised in Josh's arms.

"You jerk you can't take my coming out spotlight!" I tried to fight Noah but Khade pulled me back. My back his his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Wow, a lot of things make sense now" Josh looked at Khade and I stunned.

"Are you really gay, Noah?" I asked.

"Yep! I even got myself a boyfriend, wanna see him?"

"Yes!!" Mom cheered. Noah took out his phone and pulled up a picture of him and a boy with blonde hair and big blue eyes.

"Wow, he's actually cute" Josh said on awe.

"I want to meet him!" Mom tool the phone from Noahs hands and examined the picture more "Does he have Instagram?" Mom asked

"Yes, do you?" Noah asked mom.

"I'm about to"

"So what's his name again?" Khade asked.

"Andrew, don't let his looks fool you though, I'm actually convinced he's Satan's reincarnation"

"Noah don't talk about him like that!" Mom slapped his arm.

"Jeez this is a terrible coming out story" I sighed.

"Okay, time for me to come out to my family! Let's go Nick!" He grabbed my hand and we raced out the door.

"W- Wait what?" Khade pulled me into his house. His parents were on the couch watching TV.

"MOM, DAD" He said loud and clear.

"Yes Khade?" His dad asked. Khade then turned to me and grabbed the sides of my face and kissed my lips hard before turning back to his parents.

"I'M GAY!"

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE GAY!" His mom jumped up from the couch and started cheering. I turned to his dad and smiled awkwardly. He smiled back but it was genuine.

"I'M GAYYYY" Khade sang

"HES GAYY" His mom sang. Then the two broke out into a dance, they were perfectly on sync and everything. I sat down next to Khades dad, and the two of us watched the show.

"Why are they dancing?" Lois asked while coming downstairs

"Khade just came out" her dad informed her

"Its about damn time"

It's a short chapter but I updated more than once today so yeah!

*Bonus Noah POV*

"Hey Andrew"

"Hellooo" he sang "it's about damn time you called me, I was fixing to leave you for Owen" I rolled my eyes. Owen is a guy who's in love with Andrew.

"I'm way cuter than him" I said

"Mmm you're right, plus you're a red head, so you're extra yummy" I rolled my eyes and smiled lightly.

"I came out to my mom, so did my brother, but yeah she's making an Instagram as we speak because she's gonna follow you"



"Gotta go babe, oh and if Owen tries anything again I will kill him this time"

"You're so hot, bye I love you"

"I love you too"

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now