Khade Hynkle Wants To Be Me

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"If I were there I would have kicked his ass!" Lois punched the air to demonstrate how she would have fought Edgar.

"If I knew he did all that when I saw him rush out I would have too" Josh crossed his arms and scowled. Khade, Lois, Josh and I were in the Hynkles backyard. We were having a bonfire in hopes to lighten up the day. Alfie was home with mom sleeping. The three of them started planning on how to jump Edgar. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. If this were a cartoon then i'd have a rain cloud over my head. Thinking about the events that happened earlier today makes me want to kick something. The whole situation was so dramatic! Why was Edgar so angry? why didn't he tell me that we kissed at the bonefire? why did he just bring it up?

"If you keep making that face it's gonna get stuck like that.. not that it's a bad thing cause it's cute anyways" Khade said. I looked at him but quickly looked away once I saw the bruises on his face. My attention went to my brother and Lois. They were re-enacting some fight scene from Naruto- I only knew this because Josh was running like Naruto.

"I feel like i'm in some online story written by some mediocre seventeen year old writer" I said with a sigh.

"That was incredibly descriptive"

"Just a little" I bit my lip not knowing what to say now.

"Are you gonna talk to Edgar about the situation?" He asked.

"I dont know. I dont wanna see him for a while. He went totally out of line back there. Plus he hurt you."

"Awww you're being protective over me" Khade reached over to pinch my cheek. I slapped it away.

"Psh as if. If you get hurt on my propety then you can sue." He chuckled.

"Such a bad excuse. I'll pretend it was good though" He winked at me.

"Uncle! uncle! I said uncle dammit!" Khade and I turned our heads towards our siblings. Lois had Josh pinned onto the ground with his arm twisted. I debated on helping my brother but Khade tapped my shoulder and motioned me to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we reached the street.

"For a walk. I need to talk to you about something"

"Okay. About what" He scratched his neck.

"Uh.. so is Josh... well is he... uh nice?" Khade asked.

"Why are we talking about my brother?" I asked out of curiosity. "oH NO-are you devloping a sexual attraction towards my little brother?! Khade he hasn't even hit puberty yet!" Khade glared at me.

"Oh my god no! gross! I never want to hear or imagine that ever again" Khade gaged a bit.


"I think Lois likes him"


"You don't understand- she likes him! she even asked Ally about relationship advice. Lois is annoying but she's still my sister.. I wanna make sure the guy she likes is at least half decnt"

"Awww you're being a good big brother! I can't relate" I patted his back.

"I guess so.." I smiled at him and looked forward before talking again.

"So what, do you want. back ground check?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes" Oh, he's serious.. okay

"Josh is uh.. he's a lot of things. He sleeps a lot, cusses a lot, he's really lazy- probably the angriest fourteen year old i've ever met- and he's not really responsible. He's kind of socially awkward too, but not in the way of 'I'm shy and have trouble speaking' it's more like 'I dont know how to socialize so i'm gonna be an asshole'-"

"Oh my god-"

"Dont interupt me!" I glared at Khade and finished what I was gonna say. "He has a lot of bad qualities, but he's like an onion, he has a lot of layers you gotta peel first- ah well onions are probably a bad example- but what i'm saying is he's actually pretty chill once you get to know him... did that help?"

"If he's an onion does that mean he's gonna make my sister cry?"

"Thats all you understood!" I shoved him playfully.

"Im kidding! thank you Nick, I feel really relieved" He sighed and smiled.

"Is.. Lois nice?" I asked. Josh obviously has a thing for her, but he doesnt really know how to human just right.

"No she's a total bitch. She finishes all the hot water because she wants me to get sick, she cusses at me a lot, and one time she woke me up by dumping a bucket of mustard on me! a whole bucket! where do you ever get that much mustard!" I laughed.

"If they date, it's gonna be intersting" I suddenly remembered the events of Edgar, and the moments before involving Khade and I. Despite Edgar doing all that to me I still like him. I admit I didn't feel too strongly about it, but it was definantly still there.

"I'm really horrible, arent I?"

"What? why?"

"I shouldn't like him still. I'm just leading you on and its not fair! I wish these feelings would just go away!"

"I'm not in a rush or anything Nick- I mean if you wanted to start dating right now then I'd say hell yeah but also I know you're not gonna lose feelings for him over night. I know you're gonna end falling for me, its inevitable because i'm pretty fucking awesome and hot. I'll wait, its cool" My bitch ass wanted to cry but I forced myself not to. It's time to forget about Edgar and move on. These feelings for Edgar are still there, but now i'm okay with giving my heart to someone else. I'm not going to rish anything. Khades an amazing person, I will only date him if my heart belongs to him and only him

I reached for Khades hand and wrapped our fingers together. I looked at his face to see if he was bothered or anything like that. He was just smiling like a goofball. I looked away and smiled myself.

"If you could be anybody for one day who would it be?" I asked a random question to make conversation.

"Easy answer. You."


"So I could touch you all I want" He smirked at me.

"P-perv" I stuttered.

"If you could be any animal, what would you be?" He asked me.

"A crab" I answered immedetly.

"Why a crab?"

"So I can walk sideways effortlessy" I said seriously, and for whatever reason this made Khade burst out laughing. His eyes shut all the way and his smile was so wide. He laughed and laughed and laughed, I think at one point he couldn't breath.


My heart heart went.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now