Khade Hynkle Is Dreamy

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"Wheres the baby?" Khade asked.

"Mom and him went on a road trip. Don't ask me to where, because she didn't tell me" I recalled the memory of my mom rushing home early. She was smiling and jumping around while she stuffed Alfie's baby bag full of diapers and extra clothes. When I had asked her where she was going all she said was a road trip. She was smiling like a lunatic the whole time which made me uncomfortable so I didn't question it anymore.

"And your brother?" Khade slid off of my bed and on the ground next to me. I was playing on my PSP.

"I don't know sleeping probably."

"Ah.." It wasn't until Khade touched my knee that I realized just how close he's gotten. Our shoulders and knees were touching.

"What are you doing?" I glared playfully.

"Nothing," Khade said innocently while wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Doesn't seem like nothing"

"I'm not doing anything Nick"

"Hmm" I turned my back to face him and continued my game. Khade has been at my house for about an hour now. He came in through my window and slept on my bed for a while. I playing my game while he slept. Now he was awake, and I was just trying to pass this level.

Suddenly, Khade pulled me back into his chest. He rested his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around my stomach. I couldn't help but notice the length difference between our legs. My feet barely reached his knees!

"What are you playing?" He asked calmly.

"Zombies Vs Aliens 5"

"Whats it about?"

"The zombie apocalypse broke out around the same time that Aliens invaded earth. The aliens need humans to experiment on and use their life as energy for their ships, and the zombies wanna eat the humans-obviously- so its a war between them. You can choose to be an alien or zombie."

"Who has the bigger advantage?" He asked.

"Between aliens and zombies? well, most people would think aliens, but some humans that escaped from alien imprisonment were infected by the virus, so a lot of zombies gained intelligence and started fighting back against the aliens, they even managed to bite a few aliens and created the hybrid Alien Z - but that isn't unlocked until level 204" I looked at my level number. Level 98, I was a long ways away. Khade chuckled.

"Sounds pretty complex"

"It's very complex." I suddenly realized that I probably sound like a nerd.

"S-sorry, I probably sound like a nerd"

"A little bit, but I don't mind. I like listening to you talk" My face went red. Its been a week of Khade and I hanging out together every day. We would either go to his house or mine and played video games, ate, or made out. We wouldn't spend every waking hour together though, Khade had work and a life. I stayed home and either cleaned or watched Alfie. I haven't spoken to Edgar, and Gemma and Chevelle have stopped speaking to me. It sounds more miserable than it is.

"What are you doing today?" Khade asked me.

"You're looking at it. What about you."

"I might go to a party"

"Have fun with that"

"Do you.. um.. wanna go with me?"

"To the party?"


"Khade Hynkle are you inviting me to a party of underage drinking?" I gasped before pulling away from Khade, only to have him pull me back by my ankle. Except for this time, he pulled me back towards him.

"Didn't I pick your drunk ass up from the street?"

"That changes nothing"

"Oh my god, you're going to the party with me okay? " Khade let go of my leg and stood up. I copied him.

"So demanding" In actuality, I didn't want to go to the party because I could see Edgar, Chevelle, and Gemma. I was running away from my problems, and quite frankly I was doing an AMAZING job.

"I have to go to work." Khade walked towards my window.

"Why don't you just use the front door?" I asked with an eye roll.

"I'm more dreamy this way" He winked at me and flipped his hair in a sassy way.

"Oh my god, please... never do that again"

"haha, oh did I tell you that your friend Gemma started working at the animal shelter" I haven't told Khade about my friend drama. Why would I? I figured my friends wouldn't come up anyway.

"Oh my god that is.. sooo amazing" I did a horrible job at being interested or excited about the topic. Khade obviously caught on.

"Oo whats wrong shorty? you guys are friends anymore?"

"Ehh, I'm not sure, anyways you should get to work." I opened the window for Khade and smiled at him. He looked at me weirdly before smiling, then he kissed me on the lips and he was on his way. I shut the window and watched him climb down effortlessly. He looked up at my window and winked. I quickly shut my curtains and went back to playing my game. It didn't seem like a lot of time passed by when I heard my mom come inside.

"NICK! JOSH! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I whined and stood up from my bed, tossing my PSP aside, and went to go soo what my wonderful mother wanted me for. Now that I think of it she also called Josh as well. Oh no, what did we do this time? The walk downstairs to living room consisted of every single bad thing that Josh and I have done in the past six months. She had to have found the stain of mustard that Josh and I caused when we were arguing. Josh was eating chicken nuggets and I got angry because 1) I didn't want to stain the carpet and 2) who eats chicken nuggets with mustard? ew! anyways, I was trying to pull the plate from Josh, and he was trying to pull it back and the plate went flying in the air and landed face first on the carpet. We scrubbed and scrubbed but the stain wouldn't come off, so we just remodeled and placed the couch on top of the stain. I was hoping my mom wouldn't find it until I moved out, but today may be the day. I reached the living room and didn't see my mom. The couch was still in its usual spot so I was in the clear from that. I heard Alfie laughing in the kitchen so I assumed that's where I would find my mother.

"Holy shit you're here" I jumped back from shock when I saw my older brother Noah sitting at the tabled with Alfie in his arms.

"Language Nick!"

"Sorry!" I apologized and looked back at my brother. His once long red hair was now cut short everywhere except the top, I hope he wasn't trying to grow a man bun. The last time I saw him he was pale, but now he has a tan which makes his freckles pop out, even more, I think he grew too! why is he here?

"Nick! I missed you!" Noah picked me up in his arms and kissed my cheeks.

"AAck! this is weird!" Noah has always babied me and been overprotective of me. If I was a girl I'd understand, but I'm not a girl! I don't wanna be babied!

"It's only weird if say it's weird" He laughed while putting me down, he still didn't let go of hugging me though.

"This is me saying its weird" I shoved him back. It might not show, but I was really happy to see my brother. Now my mom won't be so clingy with me.

"Wheres Josh?" He asked excitedly.

"Asleep," I said. Noah smiled and ran passed me. I heard his footsteps run up the stairs. Moments later Josh's yell echoed through the house. While Noah babied and loved me, he teased and pranked Josh.

My brother is home. This is going to be intersting.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now