Khade Hynkle Wants to Pop My Cherry

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"You used the front door this time," I said when I opened the door for Khade.

"I saw your moms car in, I wouldn't wanna upset my future mother-in-law" I stepped aside to let him enter.

"Hi Khade!" Mom came out from the kitchen.

"Hi, ma'am!" He smiled and waved.

"We're all in the kitchen, I made cookies, please join us, I'm just gonna go buy milk" Khade and I followed my mom into the kitchen. Lois and Josh were sitting next to each other with a stack of cookies and milk, Noah sat in front of them with the same setting.

"Heeey brooo" Lois dragged out, both my brother and her started laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey ugly" He ran a hand through his sisters her. Her instincts were really slow and she didn't push him away until seconds after.

"Whos this?" Noah asked.

"Oh, this is Khade, he's a neighbor and my friend" I introduced the two.

"Helens kid? yeah, I faintly remember you."

"you know me?" Khade asked shocked

"Yeah, I babysat you and Nick all the time when you guys were like 5. Nick was always hiding from you but you thought you guys were playing hide and seek so you constantly searched for him" Noah laughed a little.

"Damn, why were you hiding from me Nick?" Khade frowned.

"I don't even remember this" I rolled my eyes.

"Ahaha and now you guys are always together!" Josh laughed. Noah raised a brow.

"W-we're not always together" I defended. I felt my face get hot

"Yeah you are-" Lois had her mouth full of cookies "-Khade even sneaks into-" Khade covered his sister's mouth and laughed nervously.

"Anyways Nick, I should go change out of my work clothes. Do you wanna hang out before we leave?"

"uh, yeah sure"

"Okay, c'mon! bye Noah, nice meeting you again" Khade was already shoving me out of the kitchen.

"Uh.. bye?"

"So, what was all that about?" I asked Khade when we got in his room. I turned my back to him while he changed.

"What do you mean?"

"You started acting really weird towards the end" My foot stepped on something. I looked down and saw a gold medal laying on the ground. I picked it up from the floor and saw it was 1st place for Mathematics. I remember this, our school's math team went all the way to the white house to compete. The president went to go see them- but most importantly, so did Leonardo DiCaprio. The event was even broadcasted on CNN, our school's team won 1st and they were all on TV, and Khade just had the Medal laying on the floor! In fact, he has a lot of Medals and trophies and blue ribbons just scattered around his room.

"I think your brother knows I want to pop your cherry" I gasped and almost dropped the Medal.


"Yeah, he kept giving me glares and stares that I give Josh when he's around Lois"

"You glare at Josh?"

"Yeah. but he literally gives no fucks."

"M-maybe you're just over thinking. I mean, why would he think that?" I laughed nervously.

"Maybe cause I was checking you out the whole time I was there- like I was eye raping you"



"YOU DO THE MATH, MR. 1ST AT MATHEMATICS STATE!" I Threw the Medal at him. Khade caught it obviously- damn basketball player reflexes. Khade suddenly got really quiet. His face went serious and he was looking anywhere but at me.

"Whats wrong with you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"N-nothing" He moved his hands to cover his crotch.

"Do... do you have a boner"






"Wait!" What are you doing Nick?


"I-I could.. help" I don't know what suddenly came over me, but I wanted to get closer to Khade. Making out wasn't enough. AGH what am I thinking!

"Oh? how would you help?" Khade smirked. I got a sudden wave of confidence and pushed him back on his beg. His legs hung off the sides.

"Would you like to know?" I got on my knees in front of him. I saw his eyes go wide and his face go red. He looked away from me for a split second and then back at me again.

"S-shit Nick" I started to unzip his jeans.

"Khade?" Helen suddenly knocked on the door. I gasped and threw myself back and scurried far away from Khade.

"NO! COME BACK!" Khade whined. He threw himself back on his bed and threw a fit.

"Khade?" Helen asked again.

"Yes mom?" He sounded annoyed.

"Oh, just wondering if you were here honey!" We heard her walking away until we couldn't hear her footsteps anymore. I sat in the corner with my knees against my chest, ashamed of the slut i've become, but also happy because I made Khade Hynkle blush. I think I deserve a gold medal for that!

"Is there any chance of continuing where we left off?" Khade asked


"AGHHH my mom is such a cockblock!"

Khade and I hung out until around midnight when he usually made his way to parties. We killed time by playing Zombies VS Aliens, Khade bought a game for his PlayStation. He's already on level 100, I swear there's nothing that he's not good at. Then, it was time to party. I told my mom I was going to hang out with Khade and she didn't really care because she was talking to Noah. Noah, on the other hand, questioned me for a few minutes before Josh and Lois made a loud sound that distracted him long enough for me to escape.

"You've been to parties out in the country before, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Khade, I've been to a few" He frowned.

"My future wife parties?"

"Your future wife loves liquor- wait" I realized too late that I called myself his wife. It was a mistake! I wasn't thinking! Can someone backspace that!? [haha no Nick , im sorrrry ;) ]

"Let put on music!" Khade connected the AUX and started playing Joyce Manor. My eyes went wide.

"You listen to them!?"

"Yeah, I looked up some of the bands from the posters on your wall and liked a few." I was thankful that it was dark out because I was blushing. My heart was beating so fast and hard I was scared it was going to pop out of my chest- oh no, do you think he can hear my heartbeat? If I can hear it then that means-

Wait... that's not just my heart that I'm hearing.

I turned to Khade. We were driving out of town so there was no light source provided for me to see his face. From what I could see he had both hands on the wheel.

Yes, I'm sure of it now. It's not just my heart I can hear.

I'm also hearing Khades heart.

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