Khade Hynkle is a stupid boy

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"Stupid, why would you come to school if you're still sick?" I smacked my boyfriend slightly. Khade wore a doctors mask and a large sweater with two scarfs; he was still shivering.

"I-I'm *cough cough cough* fine it's just a- ACHOO! a cold.."

"If you die can I have your Queen Vinyl collection," Levi asked, popping out of nowhere. In his arms, he held a box full of Halloween props.

"I-I think *GASP* the fuck not, you trick ass bitch *cough cough cough cough cough cough*" Khade had to catch his breath after his heavy coughs.

"Stop pissing my boyfriend off, he's going to die!" I smacked Levi on his arm. Khade pulled me into him so that my back hit his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and he rested his chin on my head.

"Gah, why are you so violent?!!" Levi scoffed and walked off.

"Mmmm s'warm" Khade hummed while he squeezed me tighter.

"Don't change the subject!"


"Just this morning you were in bed sick and dying but now you're in class looking like you just came out of quarantine. Explain." Khade started coughing again. It sounded really bad and painful that I almost felt bad for yelling at him- but then again that jerk deserves it! he should be home resting and not here being a perv to me.

"But it was boring at home! *cough cough* and N-Nate messaged me *cough* saying boys were f-flirting with you" Nate? damn! why is he always trying to stir the pot? That damn instigator.

"Do you see any boys flirting with me?" I pointed out.

"C-Cause I'm here now *cough cough* and b-because you're wearing my button" He cooed while pointing at his basketball button I wore.

"Nick, Khade. PDA!" a teacher suddenly poked her head into our classroom. I quickly pulled away from Khade who whined.

"Sorry Miss!" he apologized. The teacher glared at us and went on to check the classrooms.

"By the way, that letter you wrote me was terrible. You're too jealous"

"Because I love you" He pouted and held out his arms to try to hug me again. I jerked back barely missing his grasp.

"No way! we already got in trouble! My mom might ship us but if the school calls her saying we were being intimate in class then she's going to beat my ass!" I jumped behind a desk putting space between us. Khade was going to try to go around, but someone stopped him.

"Khade!" Ally's voice made me freeze. She put her hand on my boyfriend's shoulder which made him look at her.

"What's up Al's" He turned his body so that he wasn't facing me anymore- just her.

Whats up Al's I mimicked in my head while making a face.

"You look like shit, why are you here" She crossed her arms and glared at him. Don't glare at him! only me and his mom can do that! Helen, come get your son right now!

"I just didn't want to miss school" oH REALLY? REALLY? Thats your story now? didn't you come because you were bored and thought boys were flirting with me? hmmm, INTERESTING. all boys do is lie and play sports. It was like I wasn't even here now that she came. The two were into their own conversation. Nah, this ain't it chief.

One of my classmates was walking passed me, she held a box in her arms.

"Hey, where are you taking that?" I asked her.

"To the basement. We accidentally brought the wrong box up" She explained to me. I glanced at Khade who was still talking to Ally.

"I'll take it for you" I offered. The girl blushed and sighed from relief.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now