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HOLY MOLY SO THIS BOOK HAD 500 READS omgomgomg this is so crazy! Thank y'all so much for reading my book, I decided to make a special chapter, so I'll just keep this short and let you get reading ;) this special chapter is in Khades POV

I bit my straw and watched Nick look through a bin full of games. He was looking for some Star Wars game that he heard was on sale. My wife is a gaming dork, I love it. I supposed o should help him look for the game but 1) I don't know what game it is and 2) He's so cute I'd rather watch him.

"Any luck, shorty?" He looked up from the bin with a sad look on his face and a pout.

"No, I don't see it anywhere, it's probably sold out now" I tossed my empty drink into a near by trash can and walked up to the bin.

"What does it look like?, maybe I can find it"

"Its limited edition yellow and has Admiral Ackbar and Greedo on the cover" I really wanna kiss him, do you think he'll get mad if I kiss him?

"Hmm" I stuck my hand right in the middle of the bin and moved it around for a few seconds and pulled one out. It was a yellow case and had weird aliens on the cover.

"That's it!" Nicks eyes got big and jumped towards me and wrapped his arms around my stomach for a few seconds before taking the game from my hand. Fuck I'm hard now. Good thing I'm wearing sweats.

"Damn, I'm good huh? Just marry me already" Nick rolled his eyes at me. EVERY time he rolls his eyes I wanna do bad things to him.

"Usually people date before getting married." Nick started heading towards the counter to pay.

"Okay, date me THEN marry me, problem solved." Nick ignored me and handed the game to the cashier. I started to check out my wife's ass. It looked nice on these shorts- too nice. Whenever I have him cuffed I'm gonna make sure he never wears those again. I zoned back to reality and noticed the cashier and Nick were having a conversation. They were talking about the game. Nicks eyes looked like they had stars on them and he was smiling all big. I glared at the cashier, the worker quickly caught on to my death glare and gave Nick his change back.

"Ahh I'm so happy" Nick held the game to his chest.

"You gonna play that when you get home"

"Perhaps. Thank you for finding it Khade! I'm even gonna buy you a drink. Stay here" mmm my wife buying me a drink? How could I refuse? I watched Nick go up to a slushie stand. I'm really happy i found him on the side of the road walking. It was like destiny.

"Excuse me" I turned and was met with a pretty girl. She had on one of those pink off the shoulder shirts with high waisted Kaki shorts and short brown hair with big green eyes.

"Hi" i greeted with a smile

"Ah, I think you're really cute and I was wondering if you a girlfriend?" I looked at Nick who was already ordering.

"Mmm no I don't have a girlfriend"

"Oh! Then can I have your number"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do that"

"Oh, why not?"

"Because I have a wife and I like him very much" I smiled at her.


"Yeah, that cute boy over there is my wife." I pointed at Nick. The girl looked at Nick for a few seconds and giggled all excited.

"That's so cute! I SHIP IT" I ended up making a deal with her, she added me in Facebook and I would keep her updated on my love life with Nick, and in return she would help me with relationship advice, apparently she's into this thing called "Yaoi" and "Boys Love" so she was an expert at boys liking each other and she could help me make Nick fall in love with me faster. Her name was Cheryl.

"What was all that about?" Nick asked while handing me my drink.

"Huh? Oh she was asking me some questions"

"Ah, I see" he started sucking on his slushie. His face was slightly red and he looked upset. Awww was he jealous?

"What flavor is yours?" I asked


"Can I try?"

"Sure" he held the drink out to me but I pulled him in by his chin and made out with him for a few seconds before he pushed me back.

"W-we're in public!"

"No one is around!"

"Jerk" he started to storm off. I knew he wasn't mad though.

Ugh, hurry up and date me already.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now