Khade Hynkle Reads Boys Love..still

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"This can be considered as child labor" My younger brother scowled as he raked leaves into a pile.

"You're just a lazy ass," I said without looking up from my raking. Fall was here and all of our tree leaves fell seemingly overnight, so naturally, my mom put Josh and me to work. My pile was a decent size considering we just began.

"Oh yeah? just watch, I'm going to rake more leaves than you!" Josh zipped up his sweater all the way to his chin started raking leaves at record speed. I haven't seen him move this much since... well ever. I hate to admit it but the kid isn't a kid anymore. He's grown five inches in the span of a few weeks and his voice cracks every now and then. He finally hit puberty. Maybe testosterone will make him not be a lazy ass anymore.

In a matter of minutes, every leaf in our yard was in a pile.

"Impressive" I clapped my hands genuinely impressed.

"WAHOOOO!" a body jumped out from nowhere and landed straight in the pile of leaves. Red, yellow, and brown leaves flew throughout the air and the once neat pile was now gone. Lois sat in what was left of it.

"You're cruel" Josh let out a loud sigh while he threw his rake on the ground.

"I didn't think she'd actually do it," My boyfriend said, which made me turn my attention to him. He wore a brown hoodie and black beanie. He looked hot. Meanwhile, I was in red sweats and an oversized pink sweater with messy hair.

"Why are you guys dressed up nicely so early?" I asked him while leaning on the rake. He raised a brow at me before speaking.

"Early? its twelve in the afternoon. And we just came back from church"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a child of God."

"You should come with me to youth group on Wednesday. Nate and Jake go too!"

"I'll think about it.." I probably wouldn't go. I haven't been to church since I was ten. I'd probably burn the second I stepped foot on the property. I don't want to burn. I prefer a quick death.

"Your friend is here" Josh called out. He was sitting next to Lois on the grass and was pointing at the street. We looked to where he was pointing and saw Edgar riding up on his bike.

"Hey Nicky" He smiled brightly at me. He stopped in front of me on the side walked and used his feet as breaks by planting them on the ground.

"Hey Edgar, what's up?" I asked while returning a smile.

"Just going for a ride. We need to go riding like the good old days, ye?" before I could answer Khade spoke.

"You should probably finish with your ride," Khade said bitterly. I rolled my eyes at my jealous boyfriend. Whenever the two were around each other they always became passive aggressive towards one another, they usually manage to be mature for a while before it happens. This is a new record. Lois and Josh stood up near us to watch. I could feel my face get red from embarrassment.

"Nice bike Edgar, it was nice of you to give Nick your old one, but they lazy ass doesn't use it much" Josh smirked and looked at Lois who smiled back at him evilly.

"Maybe if you rode with him more than he'd use it," Lois suggested. I looked at my boyfriend who was glaring at Edgar. My best friend was smiling sweetly at Lois.

"Haha, you think so? I usually ride early, and Nicks usually cleaning or something so I don't feel like bothering him" He rubbed the back of his neck while a small blush crept on his cheeks.

"Oh, why don't you just climb in through the window and force him like you used to?" Josh asked faking innocence.

"That's indecent," Khade said through gritted teeth.

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