Khade Hynkle The Mood Killing Jerk

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"I think you left a bruise" Khade poked his face whole staring in my dresser mirror. I was standing behind him with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry- wait not I'm not! You were being a perv and feeling my chest! Why would you even do that! I'm a boy! a Boy!" Khade chuckled and turned around to face me and pecked my lips with a quick kiss.

"I'm a perv for you"

"I-i'm going to get your clothes from the dryer. Stay here." I quickly ran out of my room. I leaned against the door with a hand over my chest. My heart was beating like crazy. I started to speed walk to the laundry room, I didn't want a half naked Khade in my room for too long. I grabbed the clothes from the dryer and quickly started upstairs. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard someone unlocking the door. Mom wasn't supposed to get home until.laye so it was probably Noah. I wasted no time and bolted up the stairs and reached my room in record time.

"Were you that excited to be in the same room as me?" Khade smirked.

"Shut up. Hurry up and your clothes on" I handed Khade his clothes.

"Haven't heard anyone use that line before"

"What? To shut up?"

"No. To put my clothes on" It didn't take long for me to get jealous. I almost forgot that Khade has been with other people besides me. He's kissed other people, and felt other people, I bet he's made other people blush too.

"I'll wait for you downstairs" I quickly left my room.


I like Khade. This isn't good-not the fact that I like him, but the fact that I'm so powerless now. Anything he does can break my heart, in fact any time I think about what happened at the party my heart hurts and I wanna fight Ally and Khade at the same time. Gah why did I have to walk in on that? If I didn't I would have told Khade my feelings that night and I wouldn't be second guessing myself.

"Nick" Khade called me.

"Huh?" I turned to him. He had in his clothes and was looking at the ground and glanced at me randomly.

"It... um well you... do you wanna go bowling today?" He let out a shy smile and rubbed the back of his neck. I felt myself smile, and I had to stop myself from yelling OF COURSE I WANNA GO BOWLING YOU.

"That sounds like so much fun, I'm down" Noah suddenly appeared behind Khade. He slung his arm over Khades shoulders and smiled. Damnit Noah why are you such a cock block?!

"Okay, cool." Khade smiled back at Noah. It was a friendly smile but not an excited smile.

"Should we invite Josh and your sister?" Noah asked Khade who shook his head 'no' quickly. Noah raised a brow in confusion

"They're with Alfie at the park anyways" I butted in. There's no telling what Josh and Lois would say since they don't care about anything.

"Alright, fun! Let's go!"


"Sorry about my brother" I apologized to Khade while we tied our bowling shoes. Noah was getting our lane set up by putting in the names.

"Its okay!" He smiled at me. I had to look away because it made me lose my train of thought.

"No it's not. He's so over protective which I don't understand like at all because I'm not a girl!" I let out a loud sigh.

"I understand where he's coming from"

"Cause of Lois"

"Kind of but not really"

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat