Khade Hynkle is sick

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"You dumbass, why would you get sick" I pouted as I set a cool damp towel on my boyfriends head.

"Be nice... I'm.. dying" Khade broke out into fits of coughs. His face twisting in pain.

"I brought some things to make you feel better. Take off your shirt"

"O-Only if you d-d-o" Khade couldn't even speak without coughing. I rolled my eyes.

"How are you still a perv when you're sick" I smiled at my boyfriend and pulled out a container of vapor rub from the bag I brought. Khade took off his shirt, even though I had to help him towards the end. I rubbed some of it on his chest and then pulled out a sprite I brought him.

"Don't move around too much, and don't cover yourself or wear too many clothes, your body needs to cool down; and while I'm at school make sure to check your temperature every hour, if it gets too high tell me or your mom and we'll come to take you to the hospital. Sprite helps me when I'm sick. After school, I'll bring you some chicken and vegetable soup" I checked his temperature one more time: 102.4

I didn't want to leave him here all alone. Both his parents were gone during the school day, and although he may seem like a tough jock; he's actually a big man baby who needs to be taken care of.

"I'll see you after school okay" I kissed his forehead and started walking out. Khade grabbed my wrist to stop me and handed me a folded paper. I smiled at him, thinking it was a love letter.

During lunch, I found out it wasn't a love letter.

"What is it? open it!" Nate pressured me.

"What if he's saying sexual things?" Jake asked Nate while eating his sandwich.

"Even better! OPEN IT" Nate shook my shoulders vigorously.

"Okay, Okay, jeez" I unfolded the paper, a small smile tugging at my lips.

'Dear, Nick

I am sick, and missing school on my first ever sick day of high school. Last night I got to thinking; while I'm away, no doubt boys will try to make their move on you due to my weakened state, so here are some rules while I'm sick.

1. You're not allowed to smile at other boys

2. You must look like you want to die

3. I know you keep my basketball button in your backpack. Wear it.

4. Don't talk to boys

5. Or girls

6. DONT SMILE AT ALL your smile is so cute and precious and will make anyone fall in love so yeah its illegal to smile while I'm away

Iloveyou OKAY this is just for you and my own good. Remember you have a husband and just because I'm wounded doesn't mean these other boys can have you :)


I stared at the letter blinking.

"Wow, he's fucking crazy," Nate said.

"Ahaha that crazy bastard! I can't wait to make fun of him!" Jake was laughing so hard. He wanted to take a picture of the letter but I told him to piss off.I took the letter and unzipped my backpack placing it in there.

"Honestly, he's fucking crazy, who even thinks like this" I took out Khade basketball button and put it on my shirt over my heart.

"Oh my god, you're fucking whipped too" Nate slammed his head on the table.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now