Khade Hynkle is a little nasty

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"NO, Put the spiders by the lava lamps!" Melody yelled at some boys nearby. It was opening night for our schools festival; it would be going on all weekend. A few kids from my grade who weren't working today came to help out with the final touches. Me, Jake, Nate, Khade, and basically everyone I knew was working tomorrow, so we're helping out before we go home to get changed and come back.

The classroom door was burst open, and Jake ran in pushing Nate on a cart full of fake skeletons. Jake roughly dodged any decorations and people. They were doing good for a few seconds until the cart tilted and sent Nate hitting to the ground, skeleton props piling on top of his body.

"What's up, Nick?" Nate waved a severed skeleton arm while he smiled innocently. Jake stood back laughing his ass off.

"Where did you get the cart?" I asked

"It was a janitors cart, but we stole it" Jake answered, catching his breath from him laughs.

"Are you sure you're the same boys I met at church camp?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Didn't you and your boyfriend go to church camp together?" Nate asked, causing me to blush slightly.

"True, and ya'll disappeared alone together quite a bit during camp- what were you doing?, little nasties" Jake smirked knowingly. The memories fo everything Khade and I did during camp flashed through my head. I could feel my face burning.

"W-We praised Jesus, that's all that happened!" Yeah, I'm going to hell x2. Once for lying, two for doing nasty things at church camp, thrice for lying about it.

Jake didn't look convinced. "Speaking of little nasties. Where's Khade?" The dark haired boy asked me.

"He couldn't make it because he has to work at the animal shelter, but he's still coming with us tonight," I informed.

"He's working at the animal shelter tonight?" Nate asked.

"Yeah" The blonde had a weird look on his face that lasted momentarily "Why?" I then asked.

"Just wondering" Nate waved his hand off.

"Jake! Nate! What the fuck is this!?" Melony Yelled through her microphone. Jake and Nate quickly scrambled around to pick up the skeletons they built, all while Melody yelled and nagged at them. My hands were clean in this situation so I awkwardly walked away, whispering a random tune hoping nobody would mind me. Everything was pretty much finished at this point, I thought about heading home.

"You suck at whistling too" I jumped back a little from being startled. My head snapped at Damon, who was standing less than a foot away. He was leaning against the wall and had his arms crossed.

"Why do you always pop up out of nowhere?" I glared a little.

"Maybe you're just not observant enough" The dark haired boy smirked at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey. are you coming tonight" I asked him out of pure curiosity.


"You have to! it's our senior year." Damon looked uninterested and my last comment. Jeez, this kid really doesn't have many facial expressions.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Because we're leaving this hell at least we should enjoy it, right?" The boy in front of me smirked.

"You really want me to go that bad?" I felt my face grow red. What is this jerk talking about!?

"W-What even-"

"Calm down, ugly. I'm going to come, my sister is making me."

"Hey, who are you calling ugly?!" Damon flicked my forehead and walked away from me without another word. Honestly, I was really about to chase after him and fight him, but the lord is watching and I've already angered him enough.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now