Khade Hynkle is Working

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I was leaning over the kitchen island counter playing on my Nintendo DS. Before this, I was cleaning the kitchen, and I did a pretty damn good job too.

"Mijoooo" mom sang, suddenly appearing on the opposite side of the kitchen island from me. I put my game on pause and looked at her with a smile.

"What's up mom?" I asked.

"Take these to Khade" she suddenly brought out a large green container from under the island. It was filled with cookies and brownies.

"Uh what are these for?"

"I baked a bunch last night, and my sons are already fat so I don't want you getting any more fatter, but Khade isn't fat yet!" I mentally face palmed myself.

"So you're trying to make my boyfriend fat?"

"Shut up and just take these to him-" she shoved them over to me "-and take Josh and Alfie too; Alfie will love seeing the animals"

"Are you sure you're okay mom?" I asked worried.

"Of course Mijo! Just go do what I told you to do"

"How am I gonna get there? I don't have a license" I reminded her.

"You know how to drive, just be careful" I eyes her suspiciously once more before going to gather up my brothers.

My mom doesn't bake- she cooks yes, but cookies and brownies were never her thing- unless she's emotional. She's an emotional baker, and the large container full of sweets is giving me alarms.

"I want to go home" Josh whined while we made our way inside the shelter. He held Alfie in his arms.

"Shut up, you could use the sunlight" to this day Josh won't tell me why he was in the ceiling vents. This little brat is so secretive it annoys me. I debated on snitching on him to mom but snitches are bitches.

"Meow! Meow!" Alfie made cat noises. There were a few cats walking around the clinic freely. Josh took Alfie to go look at them while I made my way to the front desk. There were two workers in front. A boy who looked around my age and an older lady.

"Is Khade here?" I asked the lady. The boy had his back turned to me and was listening to music through his ear buds.

"Yes, he's in the back, I'll go get him" she smiled at me and disappeared behind a door. I stood for a few seconds patiently waiting. I turned to check on my younger brothers, and they both were playing with the kittens. Even Josh looked like he was enjoying himself. I smiled softly and turned back to the front.

At the moment the boy turned to me. His eyes widened when he realized me, and then a lay smile spread across his face. He took out his ear buds and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"He-llo" he dragged his word while leaning over to counter towards me.

"Uh..hi" I greeted awkwardly.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Uh the lady already went to go get Khade, thanks though!" He raised a brow.

"Khade? Whaddya need him for?" My eyes landed on his name tag: Brice

"I came to bring him something"

"What are you? His boyfriend?" Brice asked with a cocked brow.

"Yes" I answered proudly. The worker eyed me up and down and smirked.


"Nick? What are you doing here!?" Khade bursted through the back door.

"Uh I came to bring you some stuff my mom baked you" I lifted up the container to show him. My boyfriend smiled at me. He walked around the counter to in front of me.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now