Khade Hynkle Forgets To Breath

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"What did he drink?" L asked me after we brought Khade into the bathroom. He was hunched over a toilet throwing up.

"I don't know, the bartender just gave him three and a half drinks of something" I answered. L's eyes widened and he shoved me slightly.

"Three and a half? are you trying to poison my brother?!" L practically screamed.

"d-dun yall a-at nuck!" Khade lifted his head from the toilet; I gently pushed his head back down so he could continue throwing up.

"Okay, yes he got drunk but I'm going to watch over him, so don't freak out- ANYWAYS WHY ARE YOU FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLDS HERE?!" I put my hands on my hips and glared at the three younger teenagers in front of me.

"Actually I'm sixteen" The Mohawk boy corrected me, which just caused me to glare at him.

"Who even are you??" I asked, genuinely curious, but still pissed.

"Angelo! my brothers play in a band here" He smiled at me. His dimples showed and he would have actually looked adorable and sweet if it weren't for his green mohawk and tattooed arms- oh who am I kidding he looks adorable either way! I want to pinch his cheeks- wait no! I have to be responsible here!

"Nick just go home" Josh groaned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You little shit, you act like you're grown! you're fourteen! both you and L are coming home with me right now!" I scolded the two.

"What about Angelo?" L asked.'

"His brothers can deal with him. Once Khade is finished throwing up we're leaving" Josh groaned and stomped his feet like the immature child he is.

"Nick, you're so embarrassing!"

"You want me to call mom here?" My brother's eyes widened with shock. He may be a moody teenager, but he's scared of mom just like anyone else would be.

"Nevermind, we'll be waiting at the table for you once your boyfriend stops throwing up" Josh and Angelo were first to head out. L stayed behind a few seconds.

"If anything happens to my brother I will shoot you." I rolled my eyes.

"You and Josh are both so violent" I waved my hand signaling him to go away now. L pushed his hair back and turned to leave the restroom. It took only seconds to hear the restroom door shut; leaving me and Khade alone in the largest stall.

I patted Khades back trying to comfort him as he puked his guts out. The sounds made me cringe and gag, but I waited patiently. After a bit, Khade finished. He lazily moved his body so he sat against the wall of the stall. I sat down next to him. The light above us was flickering, and the floors looked gross and dirty. Outside I could hear music playing and people talking and laughing.

"Shorry I got drunmk" Khade slurred.

"Its okay" I laughed softly. Khade leaned his head on my shoulder and suddenly started taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?!" I pushed his head off of me and turned my body to look at him.

"yESH... I just forgot to breath" My eyes widened slightly and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I covered my mouth with my palm, trying to control myself.

"You idiot!"


"I'm going to regret this tomorrow" Khade groaned. His back against his mattress as he covered his face with his arms. We were in his room now, and I made him take a cold shower to sober up. He was just tipsy now, still coming down from his drunken state.

"I told you not to drink" I threw myself on the bed next to him. He uncovered his face and turned to look at me. Thats all he did, was look at me. His brown eyes studying my face carefully as his face stayed emotionless.

"What are you doing?" I asked.


"About?" My boyfriend smiled.

"A lot of things"

"Tell me"



"Too soon"

"What even does that mean?" Khade pulled me into his hold. I didn't try to resist, I let myself fall into the comfort of his body.

"It means I love you" My heart palpitated, and I felt like I was melting. I think its extraordinary how Khade is able to make my body react like this. I think its special.

"I love you too"


WHY IS MY WRITERS BLOCK DOING THIS TO ME seriously am not 100% happy with this chapter but its a filler chapter so like ???????? idk

I have a lot planned for this book but it's hard making this fall into place ya know?

Also, you may notice that some of the supporting characters have a lot of secret, and its cause I'm probably going to give them all their own stories in the future, just wait for it, I just gotta get out of writer's block.

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