Khade Hynkles 3rd Stake out

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"Our brothers are up to something and it's pissing me off" I explained to Khade while I angrily drank my juice box.

"What makes you think that?" Khade asked as he set his phone down and gave me his full attention.

"Well for one; JOSH CLIMBED INTO THE VENTS- plus its obvious they sneak out at night, they're not even fifteen yet SO WHY ARE THEY SNEAKING OUT?"

"To like... party?"


"should I be upset?"



"You turn into the weirdest freak when you're around Nick" Nate and Jake joined us. I was also surprised to see Damon with them.

"Khade has always been a weird freak" Damon said bitterly. He looked like he wanted to be here.

"What are you doing here?" Khade raised a brow as he asked Damon.

"Not any of your business" Damon snapped. Khade didn't look bothered at Damon tone of voice and just shrugged it off.

"Okay, I sense tension in the group, but fear you not! I have a few exercises we could do to lighten the mood." Nate unzipped his backpack and pulls out flash cards.

"He copies them off Pinterest" Jake told the group

"So Khade an Damon you two need to tell each other-"

"-Oh sorry gotta go, the student council is about to speak!" Khade smiled unapologetically and ran off to get ready to speak. Today we had an assembly talking about drugs and college, and the student council is the one hosting it.

"Maybe next time" I encouraged Nate who was putting his flash cards up with a pout on his face.

"What were you two even angry about?" Jake asked me.

"Josh and L are sneaking out being little shits and I'm the only one who's worried." I crossed my arms and huffed out slightly from annoyance.

"Oh that reminds me; I saw Josh in the band room earlier trying to buy the schools drum set, he was offering $150" Jake laughed.

"$150?! He doesn't even have a job! Where is he getting money from???"

"If you're so annoyed just follow them" Damon piped up, Turing the attention on him. He had his elbow resting on the table while his chin laid in the palm of his hand. He looked unbelievably bored.

"Yeah! Like a stake-out!" Jake nodded and looked like he was coming up with an idea.

"That's crazy, I've never even been on a stake out so..."

"Maybe Khade has?" Nate questioned.

"I know he's been on at least two with me" Damon added on.

"What were they for?" I asked. Damon waved his hand telling me to dismiss it.

"It's history that doesn't matter. Anyways, just tell Khade that you two are going on a Stake-out so you can stop complaining" Damon abruptly slammed his hands on the table and stood up. Without another word he walked out.

"So why were you and Damon together?" Nate asked Jake.

"Uuhh it just happened that way- shit, I have to go hand in some paper for math. I'll be back!" Jake quickly took his leave.

"He's acting suspicious" I said as soon as Jake was out of war shot.

"Yeah, I'll make him tell me later , but right now I have to tell you something"

"Okay go"

"I'm gay and in love with this boy named Misha- well man technically cause he's 23, anyways yeah I'm gonna marry him" Nate said all in one breath. I was surprised because I didn't even know Nate liked dudes too, also this dude is old! Okay he's not that old but he's older than Noah so yeah!

"...Did you have sex?"

"HEY GUYS!" The principle suddenly spoke out into the microphone. The assembly was starting and Nate and I dropped conversation. I was happy that Nate had a man but I can't help but wonder how Jake feels about this.


"It's cold!" I complained as I hugged myself to gather what warmth I could. I was currently in the passenger seat of Khades car.

"Sorry Babe, I cant turn on the car because it will give us away"

"Y-Yeah, I r-remember" I shivered slightly but sucked it up. The two of us were waiting for Josh and L to come out.

"Should we feel bad about doing this?" Khade asked me.

"Mmm probably, but it's more interesting this way" I said honestly.

"Oh my god, you love drama"

"Just a lot"

"That's hot"

"Khade not now"

"You're so hot, I know that you stole that hoodie from me" he rested his hand on my knee and leaned a little closer towards me.

"I-I did not steal it!" Woah it's hot in here all of a sudden.

"You're lying, but it's no surprise... I'm used to those lips doing sinful things" He pecked my lips, and I pushed him back. My body felt like it was on fire and my heart was beating so hard inside my chest. I had to cover my face from embarrassment.

"S-s-stop reading y-Yaoi"

"Shh look!" I looked back to our house and saw Josh and L climbing out of L's window.

"What the fuck, how long was he in there!?" Khade raised his voice slightly. I hit his chest so he could shut up.

"Look!" L and Josh walked a little down the street and got into a black car that had been parked there since way before Khade and I got here. The black cars engine turned on and began to drive.

Khade turned on his engine too but kept his distance from the car.

"So... I hear this isn't your first stake out?"

"Who'd you hear that from?" Khade asked, slightly glancing at me before concentrating on the road again.

"Damon" I answered honestly.

"Yeah, I went on two or three with him I think"

"Why? He hates you from what I know of.."

"We were uh... really good friends, then my sorta break up with Teryn happened and now he wants to shoot me" Khade laughed but I didn't find it funny.

"Oh" I dropped the topic, not wanting to make things awkward.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now