Kade Hynkle Is Hot

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I stood over Josh who was on the couch asleep. Half of his body was falling off the couch while the other half was laying limp. His mouth was wide mouth open and he snores softly. This bastard has been asleep since 8am. 'Let me take a quick nap Nick' my ass! it's been ten hours! why can't I get that kind of sleep?

"Can you believe this Alfie?" I asked my youngest brother who was a few feet away playing with some toys. Finally having enough of his sleeping habits I grabbed the arm that was hanging off the couch and yanked him off of the couch, he didn't wake up though so I let his body hit the floor (hehe) I lightly kicked his body but my idiot brother didn't even move. Theres no way in hell that I'm letting him sleep all day again! its his turn to clean.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled at him. Josh opened one eye and then rolled on his stomach and started snoring again. I took a deep breath to stop me from murdering him in front of Alfie. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.I went to the front porch outside and grabbed a bucket that was setting on the stairs and went over to the hose and filled the bucket up with water. Once it was full I went back inside and grabbed the fly swatter and went back over to my brother.

"RIP to you" I poured the water on Josh and that woke him up. He jumped up and started cussing but before he could even turn to look at me I smacked his back with he fly swatter multiple times.

"Have mercy! Have mercy!" Josh dropped onto the floor-right where the water spilled might I add- into a fetus position while I continued to smack him.

"Are you gonna clean now!" I yelled.

"Why are you so violent!" He yelled back.

"Because you piss me off!" Alfie throw a rubber hammer and it hit Josh in the forehead.

"Not you too Alfie!"

"Don't yell at Alfie!" I smacked him on his bare shoulders.

"I'm going to tell mom!"

"Do it you little bitch!"

"Whats going on in here?" Mom suddenly bursted threw the front door. I dropped the fly swatter and froze, I was fully prepared to die.

"Mom! Nick is hitting me!" Josh ran to my mom but she shoved him aside and picked up Alfie.

"Stop being idiots and get ready! the Hynkles invited us to a cook out!" She ran straight to her room with Allie still in her arms.

Mom ever rarely came home, and she ever rarely took us out in public. Josh and I looked at each other for a few seconds.

"GET READY!" She yelled again and the two of us scrambled to our rooms.

Once we were all ready mom forced us on the porch to take pictures so she could put them on Facebook. After all, it wasn't everyday that all her kids were well groomed.

"Mom it's hot!" Josh complained.

"Shut up and look happy!" After a few more pictures me mom told us we could head over now. She made such a huge fuss, we weren't even dressed all that nice. We're all just showered at the same time.

Khades dad answered the door. This was my first time talking to him— well it was actually my mom talking to him.

Damn, how can his whole family be good looking? It's not fair!

Anyways, my mom called him Philly, so, Philly Lead is to the back yard where we had to go through the kitchen to get to.

Helen was at the grill flipping burgers, my mom shoved Alfie into Josh's arms and went over to her friend. Josh made his way to the picnic table where Lois was sitting, and I followed since I didn't have anything else to do.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now