Khade Hynkle Smells Like Marshmallows

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I look at my alarm confused, and then I saw it was 7 in the morning and went from confused to pissed. Who the hell is playing BackStreet Boys this loud and early?! I got out of bed and stomped over to my window and pulled the blinds open. There stood Khade in front of my house holding a speaker over his head.

"What are you doing!" I yelled after opening my window.

"Making it up to you by waking you up romantically"

"Unless it's Nick Carter in the flesh, I don't want to be woken up like this!"

"EVERY LITTLE THING THAT YOU HAVE SAID AND DONE, FEELS LIKE IT'S DEEP WITHIN MEEE!!" Khade started singing along to the lyrics while looking at me. He looked like he was going to pull a face muscle. Is that even possible?

"Khade!" I laughed and watched him set down the speaker. He changed the song and started playing "I want it that way" and what he did next utterly surprised me. He started dancing! I watched in awe. It's not everyday that a hot boy dances for you, right?

"KHADE I'M GOING TO FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS!" Lois opened her window and started cussing at her brother. He ignored her and kept singing and dancing. Eventually Lois got so pissed that she came down with a super soaker and started spraying Khade.

"EW WHAT IS THAT!" Khade started to run away.


That's how Khade ended up in my room around 8am. Lois locked him out of the house, she even locked the windows. Khade showered in my house and I washed and dryer his clothes. He came out of the shower with only a towel and his under wear which didn't get soaked.

"Your sister has anger issues" I chuckled.

"No she's just a bitch" he sat down next to me on my bed.

"So why did you sing and dance BackStreet Boys in front of my house?" I asked.

"You were really excited a few days ago because they came out with a recent video. I told you I was going to make up what happened last night, this is one way I'm making it up!" I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot, you didn't have to put on a dance number"

"I think you deserve a Broadway musical" I felt myself blush.

"A-are you even real? Why are you being nice you me?"

"Because I like you"

"There's a lot more talented, more attractive people with better personality out there"

"I don't want them"

"Why? Why do you like me?" This doesn't make sense. Why is Khade being so perfect to me? I don't deserve this..

"Jeez shorty why are you getting in your feels" he put me in a hear lock for a few seconds only to mess up my hair. He let go of me right after.

"S-sorry" I patted my hair back in place. Khade laid back and covered his face with his arms.

"I'm so tired"

"What time did you sleep?"

"I havent"

"What!? Why?!"

"I needed to make that dance perfect, I didn't even get to finish it because of my bitch sister"

"You can sleep here, I'll go get breakfast started" my mom was working today which meant I had to take on the role of getting everyone fed. I stood up but Khade grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto him.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" He asked. His voice sounded like he was dozing off.

"O-okay" was all I managed to get out. You know how boys usually smell like ocean breeze or something mint or strong? Well, Khade smells like marshmallows. His smell made me feel sleepy, and before I knew it, I fell asleep in his arms. Can it get anymore cliche than this?

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