Khade Hynkle Has Senior-ites

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"Do you ever wonder if your pets give you names? for all I know my dog could have named me Richard!" Nate practically yelled while copying down some notes from Jake. Jake winced from how loud Nate was but didn't comment on his voice level.

"Why would an animal give you a human name?" Jake asked with a glare.

"So you're saying he named me Roofus?" Nate asked completely serious. Jake glared harder and wacked his best friend on the head.

"Hurry up with your notes!"

"Have you orgasmed lately? you seem stressed, you know my doctor told me that we should let it out-" Jake threw himself at Nate and put him in a headlock.

"Stop talking about my dick!" I chuckled and watched them for a few more seconds before my mind wandered. It was lunch, I usually eat with Khade but he had some student counseling things to do. He's so busy now I can only imagine how much more busy he's going to get when basketball season starts. The thought alone made me sigh.

"You okay Nick?" Jake brought me back to reality. In the short time I zoned out he had lifted the back of Nates shirt over his head. The poor boy was struggling to get free from the trap of his own shirt.

"Y-Yeah w-why?" I stuttered.

"You've been quiet since you sat down" Nate informed from behind the fabric of his shirt. He continued trying to free himself.

"Oh, i've just been thinking.."

"You know Nick-" Nate finally pulled free from his shirt, "- you seem to have a lot on your mind lately.  If you don't feel comfortable talking to us, remember that you can always talk to God" Nate smiled sweetly at me, I rested my chin in my palm and took a deep breath.

Khade and I finally had sex last night and I think I'm dick whipped" Jake- who was taking a drink from his milk carton- choked at the sound of my words. He coughed milk out everywhere and I think some of it even came out of his nose.

"My man!" Nate high fived me, completely ignoring Jake almost dying.

"So, why are you sad?" Jake asked once he got himself together.

"Because I can't stop thinking about it! I want more"

"Want more of what?" Damon slid into the seat next to me. He dyed his hair so it was black now.

"Its an A and B conversation Damon, so C your way out" I laughed at my comeback and high fived myself.

"But there were three of you talking before I came" I looked at my friends and did a head count. he was right. I cleared my throat.

"Besides the point."

"I don't think we've met before" Nate chimed in. Damon glanced at him with a bored expression.

"You're correct, anyways, Nick what are you doing after school?" Nate gasped, he was clearly upset that Damon cared little about their meeting. Jake, on the other hand, sat back and ate his noodle with chopsticks not caring about the conversation.

"Don't take it to heart Nate, thats just his personality, and to answer your question Damon, I'm going home to stream BTS"

"Whats a BTS?" Jake asked, his mouth full of noodles.

"I think its slang for Big Titty Sex" Nate whispered to Jake but both Damon and I could hear loud and clear. Jake nodded his head like it was common sense and he completely understood why I would stream that. I gritted my teeth. 

"Well, that can wait, you're going to my house after school" Damon picked up one of Jakes chopsticks that he wasn't using and inspected it quizzically. It was Superman themed.

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now