Khade Hynkle is rude

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My eyes opened as the sun was just starting to rise, my neck and head both hurting. That's when I realized I was in a car, my head against the window, my body covered in a blanket, my memories were in chunks only remembering certain details of the night, even then it wasn't much.

Sitting up straight I pushed the cover off of me, it was starting to get hot in the car already and the sun wasn't even half way up.

"I see that you're awake" startled, I jumped in my seat and quickly reached for the door handle. I aint trying to die today.

"hey! hey calm down I ain't gonna hurt you" was that... was that Khade Hynkle? I looked over to the drivers seat and sure enough, it was the glorious Khade.

"where's my clothes?" I asked him. D-did... did Khade and I have sex?!

"beats me, all I did was pick your drunk ass up from the curb" I looked away from him embarrassed, and relieved. Now that I think about it though- why would Khade even have sex with me?

"nobody told you to do that" I began to feel self conscious and crossed my arms over my chest trying to cover as much skin as I could.

"well, I didn't want to wake up one morning and find your picture on the back of a milk carton" Khade said with a slight chuckle

"milk carton? do they even make those anymore?" He only shrugged in response, that's when I realized the situation.

I was no longer at the beach, my clothes were gone except for my swimming shorts, I was in Khade's car, I wasn't home.

"What time is it?" I asked Khade

"um... 7:06am why?" I laid my head in my hands.

" My curfew was 12, i'm dead" Khade laughed

"don't over exaggerate"

"my mom is going to beat me with the Chancla, or the fly swatter, or maybe even the belt, if im lucky she'll leave with a chance of survival, when I die tell my-"

"dude you're fine, I called my mom last night and told her we were going to sleep over at someones house and she told your mom, you're not gonna get beat with the chancla, whatever that is" I sighed in relief, and without thinking, I hugged him.

"Thank you so much! I get to live another day!" Khade awkwardly patted my back making me realize that I shouldn't be on him like this, I quickly backed off, hoping I wasn't blushing.

"So, I propose we go get some breakfast" I cringed

"shh! don't yell" I held my head in pain

"what was that!?" Khade purposely yelled making me groan in pain

"you're literally being so rude right now!" Khade laughed as he started his car.

"sorry man, it's your fault, a little dude like you shouldn't drink so heavily" I glared

"though I am little I am fierce" Khade laughed once again, something him and Edgar seem to do a lot. I don't understand. Is my face funny looking?

"dork" my eye's widened as I felt a blush creep across my face, I turned my face towards the window quickly calming my breathing.

"w-whatever, just put on some music or something"

"as you wish" Khade reached into his pocket and took out his phone and tossed it to me

"the password is 3291, connect it to the aux and pick a song" I typed in the password and clicked his music and scrolled down, not recognizing any songs I clicked a random one

Khade Hynkle Is Gay DRAFT VERSIONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum